THE FEDERAL RESERVE, CUSTODIA BANK, AND THE BATTLE FOR SOVEREIGNTY A Review of the Amicus Briefs in the Custodia Case. The legal battle between Custodia Bank and the Federal Reserve has drawn significant attention, with various amicus briefs filed in support of Custodia's appeal. These briefs present a range of arguments against the Federal Reserve's actions, encompassing constitutional concerns, statutory interpretation issues, and potential impacts on financial innovation. The overarching argument contends that an unchecked and unaccountable Federal Reserve system lacks constitutional support and could be detrimental to the nation's interests. As this case progresses, the arguments outlined in these briefs are expected to have a substantial influence on the future landscape of financial regulation and state sovereignty within the United States. The outcome of this legal dispute could set important precedents for the balance of power between federal financial institutions and state-chartered banks.