New video in 30 mins ladies and gents. Hope you like me bumbling around the third world talking about #bitcoin Hope you like it and it inspires you to bitcoinise the world 💜
Awesome! If you could ever distill your resource / tutorial / idea into 5th-grade reading level... upload it to the #BloomLibrary, so the indigenous languages of the world can translate it and learn what you know. Already there are books in over 800 languages on the Bloom Library. But there are only 2 books on bitcoin.
Hey Joe. I've noticed that, here in Colombia, at least, people use/want USDT far more often than they use/want bitcoin. Have you found the same in other third world countries? If so have you asked them why?
Yep very common. No education on bitcoin. Puts simply, why would you want something you don’t understand or even recognise?!
You posting on right?
Yeah it should be there!!