that is to say that people are dumb cattle and fight each other over collectively held delusions without ever making an effort to discover objective truth there are people like me who aren't like that but they are very hard to find because they are ostracized by ALL groups every group DEMANDS adherence to its norms. i have NEVER found a group in which i could fit in without getting expelled for refusal to accept some obvious BS. for example Vegans demanded i accept Vegan diet is complete even though it has no active forms of Omega 3, Vitamins A, D, B12 or K2 ... and Carnivores demanded i accept that Steaks is all i need to eat even though it doesn't contain Vitamin C which is essential. Neither of those groups GIVE A SHIT what objective reality is - they simply DEMAND adherence to their insane dogma, even if it literally kills them. this is why Goth Girls used to object to being called "Goth" when i was a teenager. because being put in a box is dehumanizing. but people put themselves in these boxes - i am just an observer.