Should India Brace Itself for a Greater Depression in the US? ========== The US economy is on the brink of a collapse greater than 2008, according to Shanmuganthan N's book 'RIP USD 1971-202X'; experts label this impending crisis as the 'Greater Depression'; the author argues the current monetary system is flawed and predicts a return to the gold standard; the US national debt has surged from under a trillion in 1980 to around 33 trillion by 2022; interest payments on this debt could rise to 50% of revenue in two years; the upcoming crisis is expected to impact India severely, with soaring import prices and collapsing exports; India should have prepared earlier but must start now. #UsEconomy #GreaterDepression #India #GoldStandard #NationalDebt #Inflation #EconomicCrisis #ShanmuganthanN #MonetaryPolicy #AustrianSchool