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 During the 2020 lockdown times, I would listen to podcasts while I made art.  I listened to hours and hours of Robert Sapolsky's lectures on human behavior.  He mentions that TIPs brains match the brains of their identified gender.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ
I have so many thoughts I don't know where to start.
I thought there was a study on like...11 brains from dead males and it wasn't clear if they were the gay or straight kind of trans.  
I think Sapolsky says elsewhere that gay men have one tiny part of the brain that looks like more like a female brain.  
It is my understanding that there are small differences, general trends, between male and female brains but you couldn't 100% identify the sex of a dissected brain.
Sapolsky's lectures are all about differences in male and female behaviors especially around reproduction.
I teach kids and I think boys and girls are wired differently but also hate the idea of 'ladybrainz'.
Is Sapolsky a sellout because that's what it takes to keep a top spot at Stanford? 
 Doesn't that also mean that lesbians are men and gays are women? 
 Men are dissociative by nature, too stupid to understand how stupid they are. They will worship models over reality, every chance they get.