🌊 nostr:naddr1qqgr2vtxx4jk2cfexejkyvnxvycrvqghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8qunfd4skctnwv46z7q3qftwnj38tt94z0fjslxu4fa0d3hl0amrv55z8xczmp7astrw3zvrqxpqqqp70vqdjq3w nostr:nevent1qqsgzqv5selv6ecded9k7nhd9fhqxe5zpgqlg80jsv9ewtw7xqnwjycpz3mhxw309ucnydewxqhrqt338g6rsd3e9upzpxdm2kgujytxqruy2yrax8umt83003lqng0lsqhgfuw58kj40jnyqvzqqqqqqy7cf6mx
Where can I find DVMs in nostr?
Depends on your client 👀
Oh sorry I meant in amethyst.. 🫣
Ah click the second symbol to the right on the bottom. If you don't already follow any Dvms, make sure the top says global and not all follows.
...yep. I was in all follows. Thank you!