Oddbean new post about | logout
 After my first personal experience with censorship / deplatforming and watching @jack talk with @ODELL at Nostr Riga and regardless of what happens with Simply Bitcoin’s YT channel we will be posting our news aggregation content, video content, and livestreams to Nostr regardless of initial viewership engagement 

As a Bitcoin media organization we feel like it’s our responsibility to promote protocols where not only can people transact freely but can also speak freely without any risk of censorship 

Appreciate the support from @walker and @miljan on this front. If anyone else has additional resources for me so the Simply Bitcoin team can learn to post our video / livestream content to Nostr it would be highly appreciated 🙏

 Welcome to the protocol 
 Good stuff, yes. Others will follow your lead, you’ll see.

Look forward to chatting tomorrow 🫡 
 resistance makes you stronger 
 Lead by example. This is the way🔥🚀 
 Forget YT, take your content to Flare and you won’t have to worry about censorship. 
 Glad to have you here, Nico. Got your back for anything you need. 
 Great move! Flare is good or your team can use Zapstream to make the content available on nostr. The latter supports most nostr media hosting providers or you can opt to use your own media server (recommended).
 That is the correct decision. 
Where are you videos now? we miss them. 
 Rumble and hopefully soon Nostr 
 Looking forward to watching you tomorrow on Rumble like always 
 Followid 🤙 
 Srry for ur travails…but if u build it they will come 👥

…maybe (as you say) in small numbers initially (nostr is still a child) but eventually in mass (likely by necessity)🔥

Instructional info on freedom tech is the backbone of the peaceful revolution….imho

Freedom on my brotha and may God Bless you🌅 
 There are fewer people in the audience on the centralized media than you think. There’s more effect of the engagement on #Nostr than what many think. 
 I repeated it several times on stream... "when live on zap.stream ?"
A comment you passed by..
Well time has come anyway.🤙 
 A smart move to join the Bitcoin community. 
 This platform is the answer for the censorship especially with YouTube doing what they did to you and what they're doing to the founder of telegram. 

The interface here is already good enough to absorb people from the other places, but Network effects take time

All we need to do is wait for them to censor more and more and more people will move over here 
 Let’s go you’ve got this 
 I feel like https://hivetalk.org/ could work for your live streams.

Has screenshare, chat and zaps! 
 We're all rooting for you!! 
 My only addiction is YT still. I love watching videocasts, tarot readings, music videos, and body language videos. Once those four topics are on Nostr and I can get this fix here, then you have success! 

 That's the way ! We'll keep following you guys ! 
 Thank god for NOSTR and bitcoin 
 I watched so much Simply Bitcoin. Nostr might not get you paid the same YET but you aren’t getting banned. Nostr! 
 keep up the good fight 
 Let's go! We're here for it.  
 "There is no justification for taking away individuals' freedom in the guise of public safety." 

-Th. Jefferson  
 ✊ 🗽  
 Unfortunately it is by being kicked off your comfort zone that things evolve. Cliché? Yes! But its also true. I'll continue to be in your audience wherever you and Opti are. But glad to see you post more here. Good luck! 
 Here for it, let’s do it! 
 Nico,  we know this has been tough. You do great work. Just know, you will be stronger for it all in the long run. 💪
 How exactly are you posting videos on Nostr? I'll soon be in the same boat as you guys! 
 FYI, Flare isnt working properly at the moment. It keeps prompting to pay more sats for more storage but even after you pay it then asks you again ad infinitum.  
 You can use a service like @nostr.build or upload videos directly on basically any client (I personally use @damus and @primal )

If you want to post long-form videos, here is my workflow: 
 Thanks Walker! 
 Thank you  thank you for this note. A big piece of the puzzle I've been looking for - particularly for long form content. 
 #bitcoin won and will continue to win.
#nostr will win and will continue to win.

"Lies win games, but truth wins the game"

 Nice, good stuff. I was always curious during your episodes why you didn't advocate for Nostr more, but possibly this was because you were worried about being de-platformed? 

One thing is for sure, you were not a surprising target. The rants you have on your show constantly saying "working for money they can just print" is exactly why you were de-platformed... and good on you for saying those things. 

I thought it was to be expected. Much like when the dems sought miners information in the USA (which was a broad overreach) I was surprised by the general surprise of the community. While scary, this is expected, no? Won't there be more of this? I think it was  @TheGuySwann who was saying the fight so far has been very easy. 

Keep up the good work  @nico &  @opti 

 This is the way 
 Continue on Rumble though 
 We will continue on X and Rumble 
 I just sent back your zao, with change.  I wish I new how to zap. 
 "there is no such thing as bad advertising"

I predict this will increase SimplyBitcoin viewership. It certainly makes me want to watch more than ever! 
 So now views don’t matter 

A couple days ago u were telling a different story 
 They matter very much, that’s how we Simply Bitcoin makes money. 

It we don’t get the YT channel back it will be very bad for us but that doesn’t mean we can’t focus on uncensorable alternatives in the meantime. 
 Nostr is not the alternative 

It’s the main thing 
 Hell fucking yes!


Everyone should stop or at least deprioritize building on borrowed land.

Fuck censorship  
 Small steps to move forward. 👏🏻 
 ...and you just got a new follower. 
 Good!! Butter cheese forever!! 
 We’re here for U @Nico & co! 🧡 
 Bless The holy Bitcoin 🚀😎 
 When I found out the banned SB I finally created a Nostr account.  Keep up the amazing work guys! 
 Welcome to the lifeboat 🫡 
 Make sure you're choosing your content hosting wisely.

Nostr.build seems like the obvious choice, I'm not an expert though. 
 Go to Rumble. Keep it simple. The Bitcoin Cult decentralisation mantra will kill your business. 
 support the network effects you want to see persist in the world🫂🧡

You can hop around between all the platforms while they work, but ultimately they’re likely to suffer the same fate.

I’d publish it anywhere and everywhere, but would prioritize support nostr-native solutions personally, as that has the best chance of supporting your business long term. 
 This song is for you! https://youtu.be/RQRIOKvR2WM?si=Gn9xZo1YrRE0dTn1 
 an oldie but a goodie 
 like woodstock but Bitcoin/ dancing in the street    Baeutyon american tour! 
 more music is an add imho 
 This is like telling shit coiners to shop shitcoining 

Being nostr only is the same as being bitcoin only 

Fiat games win fiat prizes 
 While I mostly agree, and i’m happy to express my opinion, i’m also happy for people to learn in their own time without forcing my opinion down their throat at every opportunity to speak.. 

I think its totally reasonable for people to use other technology platforms for right now, and extremely understandable why they would. 

I’m happy to enjoy this special time of the nascency of the protocol, and am confident the incentive will only build and increase for people to explore and experiment with what nostr can offer. In short; i’m patient, and I think we’ll need to be. 
 We are on Rumble already! 
 That’s actually where I’ve been watching your lives for a while. Because, as I’ve said before, fuck YouTube 🤙 
 I don’t have the Nostr Telepathy plugin…sorry! 
 Ask the Rumble guys why they haven’t added Nostr support yet. It should also be included in their list of social profiles in settings. They’re missing an opportunity here. 
 subscribed rumble, dropped youtube, your show half my news source. 
 Great idea 💡 rumble lol 🤡 
 why would it kill your business? 
 His business is to get as many viewers as possible and spread the message of Bitcoin. By leaving the most popular platforms and deliberately cutting his numbers and the possibility of getting sponsorship, Nico’s business will suffer. If he were to do that, which he is not, because he is on Rumble.

"Decentralization” is not a magic dust that you can add to anything to make it better, including chocolate cookies. Decentralization is a technique that is good for some things and not for others, like BitTorrent, Bitcoin and similar tools where adversaries are out to kill you. It is not an absolute requirement where good leadership is sufficient to protect users. “Decentralize all the things” is just Bitcoin Cult talk and of no help to anyone.

Rumble is a good example of good services to solve problems. Rumble is better than YouTube and Vimeo because the man who runs it will not tolerate interference. Because video delivery requires massive storage and bandwidth, it is much more efficient to have a service with its own servers, rather than rely on people to keep and manage huge archives of copies of their content available for streaming, like the old Mojo Nation tried to do.

The root of the problem is that the adversarial anti-Liberty State has a monopoly on violence. This is the problem that eventually will have to be faced. Durov being arrested may be the spark that triggers this.

Nico and broadcasters like him can play a pivotal role in getting this message to many people, and he is doing a good job of it.

Leaving an account with 250,000 people just to virtue signal about “Decentralization” is (as an example) super irrational. Those 250,000 users who look to the account holder for tips, tricks and guidance, not being on the new hip platform, are now left in the dark. It’s borderline unethical, and certainly irresponsible, and everybody loses.

In this information war, reaching people is key, not virtue signaling to the cognoscenti.

Redundancy at the platform level is the thing that is needed in the case of Simply Bitcoin, so that if YouTube cut Simply Bitcoin off for talking about Bitcoin (that’s coming for sure) then he can resort to his mirror channels and reach all his followers..

Because these threats are being unleashed rapidly, it may be the case that there is not enough time to replace the old distribution systems. Does this mean that people should not try? Obviously not. And in the long term, new tools may be developed to solve these problems.

Should these techincal problems be solved, then the tools can be shared and…wait, what’s that? They have to be shared by people who control the distribution channels? Oh dear.  If the distribution channels and the people who own them are also under draconian control, the tools to bootstrap any new system can be choked off.

It’s a fundamental problem that will not go away by itself; and the exact nature of that problem is what needs to be identified and directly addressed.

Bear in mind also, that the storage of files is a burden for the ordinary person. Max Kaiser’s archive of thousands of episodes was just lost as YouTube deleted his work. He doesn’t have the means or skill to keep a permanent service up to host his archive; that’s much better handled by YouTube or Rumble; its more efficient, more accessible and serves the purpose.

The problem here again is the character of the people running YouTube, who do not care about freedom of speech, are not interested or don’t believe other people are real, and who destroy a decade of people’s work without an afterthought.

If YouTube had been run by someone ethical, then Max’s body of work would not have been deleted. Its the same as burning down a library of books. Unconscionable and completely unethical.

 No one has a right to be served educational content in a YouTube feed without searching. It's not unethical for him to make his own content harder to access. 

Your 2 solutions is to make burner channels on YouTube, and to use rumble. 

If you keep making new YouTube channels as your banned, that's no better than nostr. You will never be able to grow too much before they find you again and re ban you. It's a permanent treadmill, and you need to keep a local archive of your content anyways which is what you said was too difficult. 

If you use rumble, you are still losing all the normie-discoverability of YouTube and not gaining much for it. Having a benevolent owner is not sustainable. He might have the money to sustain it now, but it's a money pit and at some point he's gonna have to stop burning money. If it ever grows to be relevant, it's gonna be stopped by either its corporate dependencies (AWS/cloudflare like with Parlor) or the government like is happening with the Telegram founder. 

Rumble might be 10x bigger than nostr but it's still tiny and will be shot down before it grows, even if the owner keeps it going. You need a system that doesn't lose momentum when it's dependencies are shot down. That's what nostr is focused on. Expecting a benevolent CEO to host your content forever for free is just naive.  
 You're offering Straw Man arguments, which is part of the very odd and delusional mentality of people who are breathless Nostr enthusiasts.

"My" solution is not to use "burner accounts" it is to create an environment where people are free to offer services efficiently (server farms etc) and not to run from the problem by building things like Noster, that even if it worked, would not address and fix the persistent problem which is the power to detain people arbitrarily, the same way Durov has been detained.

Having a normie CEO is very much sustainable and has been the norm for most of the history of the services on the Internets, and your "money pit" argument is just economic illiteracy. YouTube is profitable, in case you didn't know, and LiveLeak persisted for years before being sold.

And the argument, "They're just going to stop it anyway" is the exact argument people use against new ideas, even PGP, "The government can get into anything, it cannot possibly be secure". Thankfully the people who know how things actually work are also the people taking the action to do things. That includes Nostr by the way, which may end up solving problems for some people, whilst leaving the problem of the violent thugs untouched.

"Rumble is still small" is yet another fallacious objection. People react like this with nonsense when you "attack" their pet hobby, in this case Nostr. They put up stupid arguments, fallacies and gibberish trying to score points and "Gotchas". It's really very silly and tiresome.

Once again thankfully there are many people working on this problem and as it was in the case of GPG, Bitcoin and GNU, it only takes a tiny handful of dedicated people to solve these big problems once and for all, and no one is persuaded by anon fallacies. 
 >You're offering Straw Man arguments, which is part of the very odd and delusional mentality of people who are breathless Nostr enthusiasts.

Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your point. I wouldn't call myself a "nostr enthusiast". I just use it and plan on building something with it because I see it as the most likely to work going forward. 

>"My" solution is not to use "burner accounts" it is to create an environment where people are free to offer services efficiently (server farms etc) and not to run from the problem by building things like Noster, that even if it worked, would not address and fix the persistent problem which is the power to detain people arbitrarily, the same way Durov has been detained.

What would that environment look like? I imagine it would involve either major political shifts or a protocol that can link together all the service providers and make them hot swappable from a user perspective. 

>Having a normie CEO is very much sustainable and has been the norm for most of the history of the services on the Internets, and your "money pit" argument is just economic illiteracy. YouTube is profitable, in case you didn't know, and LiveLeak persisted for years before being sold.

YouTube was the main video platform for over a decade before it turned a profit. It only survived because it was bought by Google and they could afford to lose money on it for a long time. Look at all the alternates youtubers keep trying to build like Nebula and floatplane. They can't reach the efficiency of YouTube and they only exist because they charge money. Look up the costs of streaming video because it's the most expensive thing you can possibly offer for free on the internet. 

>And the argument, "They're just going to stop it anyway" is the exact argument people use against new ideas, even PGP, "The government can get into anything, it cannot possibly be secure". Thankfully the people who know how things actually work are also the people taking the action to do things. That includes Nostr by the way, which may end up solving problems for some people, whilst leaving the problem of the violent thugs untouched. 

This is where you misunderstand what I'm saying and I would appreciate if you understand. I'm not saying to be a defeatist about freedom, I'm saying we need something that has the capability of winning. It's great that there's lots of people providing services that increase freedom, but unless they are linked together, they don't create lasting progress past their own lifespan. If the rumble CEO burns through $1 billion hosting rumble for a decade and creates the most free and open platform in the process, increasing freedom for millions, that won't translate into much except a freedom culture when it finally goes away. The reason we need a protocol is that you can still have the same situation, but at the end you don't lose much progress. We are seeing it right now. 

Nostr relays are a money pit. They are selfless ventures that cost money to maintain. The difference is that even when all the free relays existing now shut down, people can start hosting their own notes, or pay a few pennies for a paid relay. Then all their followers and audience that they built up can keep watching/reading their content from the same app without a hitch. It carries the progress created by those relay operators into the future, even if they go broke or go to prison. 

>"Rumble is still small" is yet another fallacious objection. People react like this with nonsense when you "attack" their pet hobby, in this case Nostr. They put up stupid arguments, fallacies and gibberish trying to score points and "Gotchas". It's really very silly and tiresome.

I have nothing against rumble. I use it and love their mission. I say they are small as a matter of fact. You can afford to sustain a small money pit. You can't do the same if it becomes YouTube. 

I think a so far implicit assertion I've been making might be our main point of disagreement. 
1. I don't believe any freedom tech will be able to sustain itself with ads, especially if it involves streaming video.
2. Anything that costs money to consume content will never go mainstream and actually move the broader narrative. This is because you won't pay for something unless you already agree with it. 

If you disagree with either of those, please reply to them instead of anything else as everything else is a waste of time. 

>Once again thankfully there are many people working on this problem and as it was in the case of GPG, Bitcoin and GNU, it only takes a tiny handful of dedicated people to solve these big problems once and for all, and no one is persuaded by anon fallacies. 

I agree, all of those are technologies that are invented once and used going forward, building on the previous. PGP won't dissapear if they imprison the founder. Those are either technologies or protocols, not services. Rumble/telegram is more akin to Adam Back's Ecash. It was an amazing service that allowed anon payments over the internet, but it relied on a custodian bank and the government shut it down. We see the tech behind it used in some btc projects but the service died with the custodians. It didn't create any lasting change except the friends it inspired along the way (satoshi for example).  
 It killed my business, how's yours surviving? 
 shit idea. 
 Why not both? The more heads censors have to cut to suppress speech the better 
 This is the way. Bring that nostr-negativist here! 
Nostr been around for more than a year 
 "todo pasa por algo"  
 Censorship is a slippery slope, and it’s great to see Bitcoin media pushing back! If you’re not promoting free speech and transactions, what’s the point? Keep fighting the good fight! 💪🔗 
 I hope this place is not as maga infested as twitter is 
 if it works out like people hope, it will be, but then you can choose your algorithm 
 "Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire."

keep up the amazing work you're doing

 It's nice to have this place and to have a few others. Who would have ever thought that free speech would end up being such a battle to keep? 
 Even though the situation right now is not the best one, I would argue YT did you a favour by showing you and forcing you to switch to Nostr 
 Nice man! Would love to know how you do it too 🤙 
 There will be rugs. 
 How will I know when will the next Nostr/Bitcion event be taking place? I cannot find it anywhere. 
 About time!  
 Hey @nico , spread this story far and wide. Hard to believe how far YouTube/Google has fallen.  
 Got my first ever zap, thank you Nico! 
 @miljan , yes! a huge zap! thanks so much! 
 Awesome 👏 
 If this was your first experience with censorship, you must have been quite 'well-behaved' in the past 🫠  
 Giving up will never be an option. No one can silence the transformation of the world! 💪 
 More than happy to help with anything Zap.Stream related, multiple RTMP servers to output to, using OBS and also Cloudflare for hosting and DDOS management. 

My main goal is to self-host my own RTMP server though. Fuck third parties. 
 I look forward to seeing how you get on

As a fellow content creator I think about this a lot

So far been guilty of not doing enough about it 
 And then he went back to YouTube 🙄 
 Maybe don’t go back even though you can, just a thought. 
 I suspect the Fiat incentive is much stronger than his back bone 
 Do it! We are here for you 
 *way haha 
 It hasn’t got any app. All web based and it thus hasn’t got any real potential for being a competitor to YT 
 I wish people would remember Bitchute was the first long before Rumble. The site gets over 3million video plays a day, it has a progressive app you can view on your mobile without installation but if you really want to install you can simply use there android or iphone app, called "bitslide". https://app.bitchute.com/android/ 
 This is my first time ever on Nostr, and i am a bit blown away at how fast you replied to me, and i even got a notification. Loving it !!! I do not know who you are but you sir will be my first follow. 
 I wish people would remember Bitchute was the first long before Rumble. The site gets over 3million video plays a day, it has a progressive app you can view on your mobile without installation but if you really want to install you can simply use there android or iphone app, called "bitslide". https://app.bitchute.com/android/ 
 This is my first time ever on Nostr, and i am a bit blown away at how fast you replied to me, and i even got a notification. Loving it !!! I do not know who you are but you sir will be my first follow. 
 Hell yeah! Also - glad you enjoyed those nice tight shots during that talk that I served up. 😉

It was shortly after that talk that night I'm done feeding the beast:
