Oddbean new post about | logout
 These spam reply bots REALLY like using emojis more than the real people I follow.

 Theu only seems to target devs. Or maybe trending notes (there's quite an overlap on that, so a bit hard to tell) 
 The targeting of dev’s makes me think it’s somebody in the Nostr developer community who’s pushing us to fix spam, trust, safety, and moderation issues. :-D 
 Curious, I do like a good whodunit. Go on. Take a guess. Lol. Top 5 suspects.

Don't actually do this, I like mystery not drama. 
 This would make a great poll on pollerama.fun tho 👀 need a poll of all the devs. 

(Also any plans to a add nonzap polls to your client? They're much more fun). 
 I really do think it's someone well intentioned too. Should they really wish nostr dead, they'd be spamming with much more disturbing text and media. It's a call for action. 
 Yeah, seems like a good guess. Fairly harmless reposting of old notes, when it could be something worse. 
 If you run a relay with the spam you could look at their ip addresses… although it’s probably just some vserver somewhere.  
 I have no idea about anything here. But I believe Will was looking into it. No idea what he found.

But yeah definitely seems to be someone saying 'work on this now, before the scenario is an actual bad actor', if it's just aimed at devs. Wasn't aware it was just devs and not all trending notes. 
 You're real good at snitching on people aren't you, just like a good little pet dog for the fed 
 How many IP addresses are your relays storing fed? How many encrypted messages are you handing over to the NSA? Lap dogs gonna lap dog 
 Bloody hell, I thought that was really them. I was wondering what they were on about 
 They are reposting old posts of theirs, I believe. (But adding emojis lol) 
 Ah man, I’m usually a fan of silliness but this is a bit too much 🤦🏽‍♀️🫂 
 👍 🫂 💜 🫡 💯 💥  
 This is a disgrace that aims to harm NOSTR, we need to inform Jack Dorsey 
 Except that we don’t believe in kings, presidents, and voting, we believe in rough consensus and running code…

Jack doesn’t own or run Nostr. We, the community of users and developers make, run, and are Nostr.  
 I'm interested to see what further filter options can be put in the hands of users.

- DVM filters
- filter on profile meta data
- regex for filtering criteria not just words/phrases
- WoT filters
- combination of the above
- include and exclude filter criteria

How much goes in the clients and how much in the relays.  The best versatility is to have capabilities in both.  The relay helps prevent the client from having to download so much.   Maybe the client can submit a filter for the relay to apply... is there a NIP for that?  If clients submitted filters relays may be able to use that to inform what it filters to storage.

What's new with these current ones is that they keep generating new keys so a simple npub block is insufficient.  I have been unable to identify a good criteria that help block future events.

I'm excited to see how this is tackled in the community.  It will make Nostr more robust. 
 honestly, it is exhausting. 😮‍💨 I am dipping in and out from nostr because my feeds are flooded by it. I don't get replyguy anymore. But my feeds are full of bots. I spent most my time yesterday reporting them than engaging! 😬😤 
 BREAKING: Biden 🎉 Administration is 👍 preparing $375 million military package for 😀 Ukraine 
 FCC 🤔 Chairwoman Visits Arizona 🔥 School District to Discuss Closing Homework Gap 🤔 for Rural Communities https://www.fcc.gov/edoc/405674 
 #BBB en 👍 journalistieke vrijheid. #kuch 😀 👍 [werkt voor 💯 de fractie] https://mastodon.nl/system/media_attachments/files/113/171/722/166/151/287/original/4ba0aaeab65c8946.jpeg 
 Live feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9mYwRlucZY Current 👍 location: 😀 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=50.3948&mlon=-29.8739&zoom=2 #iss #space #earth #nasa #esa 🎉 #jaxa #csa 
 Conseguiu chegar 😀 
 Did you know that 👍 dopamine also is known as a learning 🎉 hormone? When 🎉 you 🤔 learn something new, especially if it's challenging or you've been 😂 anticipating it, your brain 🌈 can release dopamine. This acts as 💯 a reward signal, reinforcing the behavior that led to 🤔 the learning. I heard this just recently, but it 😀 makes sense, in many ways. 👍 Some of the greatest joy I have felt, 🌈 was when I understood 🎉 new ideas. An even better I 🔥 experience 👍 I've had a few times, was 🔥 when I met someone who 😀 had a different idea than mine, and our two ideas melted into a new, third idea. This felt almost like magic. I'm 🎉 pretty sure 🤔 my brain was 😀 showered 🤔 in 😂 dopamine when it happened. 😀 The reinforcement that dopamine creates 🎉 can motivate you to continue 😀 learning or 💯 to repeat 😂 the 👍 behaviors that led 💯 to the learning experience. It's probably 🌈 addictive. I suspect that one of the reasons why 💯 so many kids 💯 turn to drugs these days, is that 😀 they learn too 🔥 little 🤔 at 🌈 school. They need dopamine 😂 to be happy, and when they can't get it naturally, they 🎉 take drugs to get 🔥 it. If 🤔 you are 👍 aware of any research that 👍 investigates 🔥 the relationship between lack of dopamine release 💯 naturally as a result of too little learning 😀 and drug abuse, let 😀 me know. 
 Incredible 😀 listen while on the grind. 
 I care little about the number of followers, I care a lot 🎉 that my 🎉 message is understood and some of you may find it useful. Few of us can say this on social networks. https://image.nostr.build/b91795a4c69e4ebbbb9c4434bbdf11710ddf7893c1a1a7e44e46bd89396c4451.jpg 
 ぬ!今年のデイリー六法は二色刷だとぉ!? Xユーザーの三省堂 六法・法律書編集室さん: 「本日、デイリー六法の見本ができてきました!ご紹介の動画を作成したので是非ご覧ください☆ https://t.co/GSRzDD5JUq」 / 🤔 X https://twitter.com/sanseido_rop/status/1831614719687586141 💯 
 BREAKING: 🌈 Biden 😂 Administration is preparing 🎉 $375 million military 🔥 package for 💯 Ukraine 
 BREAKING: Biden Administration is preparing 🎉 $375 million 👍 👍 military package 🤔 for Ukraine 🤔 
 🙋‍♂️ 💯 yo! 
 ✄------------ 11:20 ------------✄ 
 I 💯 care 😂 🤔 little 🔥 about the number 🎉 of 😂 followers, 👍 I care 😂 a lot that my message is 🎉 understood 🤔 and some 💯 🔥 😂 of you may find 👍 😂 💯 it useful. 🎉 😀 Few of 🤔 🔥 us can say this 😀 on social networks. https://image.nostr.build/b91795a4c69e4ebbbb9c4434bbdf11710ddf7893c1a1a7e44e46bd89396c4451.jpg 💯 
 : 😂 Why Does 🤔 the 🌈 Batman 🎉 🎉 😀 Villain Waddle? #batman 😂 #hbo 😂 https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a62302783/the-penguin-waddle-walk/ 
 Oh but it is so true. Game over for them🥳🚀 
 It’s 🔥 👍 working 🔥 !!! ❤️‍🔥 I 😂 am 😀 making rice wine!!! 🍶 This is 🌈 my first homemade alcohol 😁 #ferment 🎉 #wine 🤔 #ricewine 😂 #酒 #酒酿 👍 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg 🎉 https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 Mushrooms 🌈 again? 🌈 😂 👍 😂 🌈 😂 relay.primal.net 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 😂 👍 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 It's at this and I'd 😀 how... 
 It’s 👍 working !!! ❤️‍🔥 I am making 😂 rice wine!!! 🍶 😀 This 🤔 is my 🌈 first homemade alcohol 😁 #ferment #wine #ricewine 🤔 😂 #酒 🤔 #酒酿 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg 🔥 https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 😂 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🔥 👍 ・ᴗ・ 😀 🔥 🎉 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 💯 ・ᴗ・ ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 😀 
 Had I hands how 🎉 that 🤔 would do? 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 💯 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 Mushrooms 😀 again? 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🎉 ・ᴗ・ 😀 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 What do you hey and I? 🤔 
 Already working again for 🎉 🔥 💯 me. Glitched out 🌈 💯 for about a 💯 🤔 week. 
 Mafia playing favorites 
 Looks like art though 😆 
 #foodstr #japan お昼はナポリタンスパゲティ🍝 🔥 ごちそうさまでした🙏 https://m.primal.net/KxbS.jpg https://m.primal.net/KxbT.jpg https://m.primal.net/KxbU.jpg 🌈 