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 During COVID I was debating someone about lockdowns, masks, vaccine passports etc… 

They said “oh, so you think your freedom is more important than my life?” 

“Not only is it more important than your life” i said, “but it is also more important than my own life”. 
 These sleepwalkers fail to realize the US govt is morphing into the very villains they gleefully villify in their history books and religious texts (Great Britain in 18th cent, Roman empire in times of Jesus, etc.)... regulatory overreach, bureacratic bloat, onerous taxation, military tomfoolery.... 
 Already morphed, many decades ago. 
 That’s a heck of a reverse card 🤌 
 Life is really just a game of uno DRAW FOUR BLUE 
 Freedom is Just an illusion. Don't die for illusions. 
 Everything is an illusion, so don't die for anything. 
 Dead is an illusion so don't worry for anything and any thing is also an illusion if every thing is an illusion 🙃. Only no thing is real, but 'it' does not have an existence nor does it have no existence. 
 It's an absurdity, my point exactly. 
 They made the simple act of breath almost a criminal offense. That's why they are sociopaths! 
 How old was he/she? 
 They were probably early 40’s 
 Then they were extremely unlikely to die from even the first strands of Covid... A fraction of s perfect risk for an individual not weakened by other severe illness.

Iow, they were bullshitting. 
 A fraction of a percent...* 
 Oh yeah totally. I doubt they were actually scared. Just a petty authoritarian who felt their whims were more important than all of our freedoms. 
 Or rather, people that were captured by the politicized nature of masking up plus "all their friends are talking about it on social media".

Flicking behaviour. 
 You couldn't do anything about the virus and (perhaps) dare not do anything about the lockdowns. Yelling at people about masks was the easiest way for a lot of people to exert a degree of control that had been lost in their own lives.

I pity these fools who take responsibility for everything except their own behavior. 
 It's like the inverted Jesus syndrome: Trying to take responsibility for the fate of the world, but by cussing and cursing at people. 
 And then what happened?? 
 It was on an audio space and I got kicked out of the room lol 
 That's a good answer. I will remember that. 
 In Holland I had a friend who had a sweater with the text, my freedom does not stop where you fear begins. 
 another good one i heard:
Depends if you threaten my freedom 
 If we can do ANYTHING to protect lives, I'd start by overthrowing the government of China, then arresting key people from the US deep state, because they created the problem in the first place, just to disrupt Trump's 1st term in such a way there could not be a 2nd one, even stealing the elections. 
 How would you overthrow a nuclear power with intelligence agencies that rival our own? Sounds difficult. 
 There is no deep state. There is the state. Period. Deep state is a fictional construct to make people believe it can be fixed. It cannot. Its by design 
 Agreed. I don't think "elected" means good. By deep state I just mean "not visible". 
 you're missing my point I think. The deep state is a boogy man. It doesn't exist. Its made up to shift blame from those who deserve blame.  
 Who, for example?

Original post refers to mask+lockdown people. So I replied at the level of the average state-believer, which is IQ 80- . 
 Who? The entire government. That is the rogue criminal element. Not just some faceless bureaucrats.  
 I thought exactly like that for 50 years. Now I'm still a disbeliever in state, but also a single issue voter: I will always vote against the people of mandates. 

I don't think it is a big deal, I still care about my own stuff and try to live without the state, do things for my community and educate others, but now I vote. It is at worst irrelevant. 
 If you vote, save that energy for local politics where change might be possible. DC cant and wont ever change.  
 With freedom comes personal responsibility.  Those saying their lives are more important than your freedoms are typically those who want someone else to be responsible for their lives, and corrupt governments are more than happy to fill that role. 
 Great answer 
 In the future, when anyone pushes any virus topic, refer them to German microbiologist Stefan Lanka, where they can collect € 100K by presenting proof that measles exists. 
 I will never get over how many regular people got so scared over a respiratory virus with a 99.999% survival rate among healthy individuals. They really were acting like this was some plague bc the stupid box had a fake death toll counter they blasted 24/7. It actually worked too. 
 I never wore a mask because of the mandates. I only wore it during mandates because it gave me a reason to anonymize myself against random cameras that are everywhere now.