One thing I love about Nostr is that the pure chronological timeline shows me people saying GM when I’m getting ready to say GN.
Anyway, GN/GM, wherever you are in the world, friends. 🫂
Yeah, I was saying GN too, gn 🫡
Good afternoon from Sri Lanka
投机通常就3大模式,吃波动的抢帽子刮头皮,这个我是玩不了,太累也没天赋;左侧的价值投资,推荐个公众号:破晓笔记;右侧的趋势跟随,推荐一本书《走出幻觉走向成熟》,《海龟交易法则》也不错。 🌈 我是主打做趋势跟随,觉得最适合我这种普通人。
I missed it, 👍 going to watch 😂 the recoding. He and I are virtually 🤔 neighbors. Maybe 70 miles apart.
Bahaha we 🌈 only 🎉 smoked joints 🤔 (but WAYYY too many)