Web of Trust question for developers: Could it be that you are putting all 2-degree pubkeys into REQ filters? It seems monsterous to me. It must be that clients filter client-side, right?
Just downloading them and processing on memory is already a pain.
I'm not suggesting downloading all events from the entire WoT. I'm just saying that you add WoT limiting to existing filters that were already working fine. So it will download strictly less. It's just that the filter would be a huge list that may be too much for relays to handle. So I plan to just leave the REQ filters as they are and filter the results client-side. But I wanted to see what others have done since many have walked this road already.
Yeah, but in order to assemble the massive filter, you have to download all contact lists, which I already don't like doing. It compounds with the massive filter. I am building custom feeds for Amethyst and I was wondering if we could build a feed event and then make a REQ by the feed event id that the relay already has. That would be nice. We could then do a follows of follows of follows of follows filter.
That is interesting.
I think that would have to be a DVM. I couldn't expect all relays to do this potentially complex logic.
there are 50k pubkeys in follows of my follows (one hop only). so ya, its a huge list.
Relevant code here: https://github.com/bitvora/wot-relay/blob/master/main.go#L321-L333 Request with simple filter, drop the unwanted events on the client side
Yeah, but I shuffle and slice to 1000 pubkeys to avoid sending huge messages. To avoid this you'd have to do bloom filters or have relays know your follows.
Ah, I see.