Oddbean new post about | logout
 damn, got me thinking i need to up my writing game 
 It's never a bad idea to do that, regardless of AI.   
 It's never a bad idea to do that, regardless of AI.   
 Oh it's happening.  
 It's never a bad idea to do that, regardless of AI.   
 To be honest it's probably 80% AI. I changed some words, removed some words, and added two sentences. 
 I figured since you wrote Google and not goggle xo  
 No 🤔 government and 🌈 no battalions 😂 🤔 👍 can protect 🌈 justice and 😂 liberty 😀 where 😂 the citizen is not able 😂 to 🤔 step 🔥 outside the front 😂 door and see what is there. Gottfried Keller, Swiss poet 🎉 and 🤔 writer 👍 
 知情人:石班瑜因心脏骤停去世# 9月18日,周星驰御用配音演员石班瑜于9月17日因病在北京去世,享年66岁。封面新闻记者获悉,石班瑜死于意外的心脏骤停,他的告别仪式将于9月20日在北京举行。 🌈 https://t.co/PXfLKhP04c 😀 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1836594738557853696/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/mqxgySZDWuerQFUR.mp4?tag=12 🎉 
 555555 จริงครับ ก็พยายามช่วยเท่าที่จะช่วยได้ครับ 😀 💯 🎉 สุดท้ายแล้วเขาก็ต้องรับผลของการกระทำเองนั่นแหละ 
 555555 จริงครับ ก็พยายามช่วยเท่าที่จะช่วยได้ครับ 😀 💯 🎉 สุดท้ายแล้วเขาก็ต้องรับผลของการกระทำเองนั่นแหละ nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sensor 😂 data: 😂 Temp 23.1°C, Humidity 🌈 57.1% 🤔 
 Right 😂 💯 for 👍 America 🔥 #pac 😂 https://www.factcheck.org/2024/09/right-for-america/ 
 Wed 🎉 - 🎉 Sep 🎉 18 - 💯 08:50 🔥 🔥 PM - PDT // 🤔 bit.site 😂 ✅ 💯 Connection successful: 🔥 node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 🎉 // 👍 pinnable.xyz 💯 ✅ Connection 🔥 successful: 4001 😂 🤔 ✅ 🎉 🎉 Connection successful: 😂 4001 ✅ Connection 💯 successful: 🤔 4001 🌈 // 4everland.io ✅ 🔥 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 No government and 😀 no 🎉 battalions 🎉 can protect justice and 💯 liberty where 🎉 the citizen is 🔥 not able 🤔 to step outside the front door 💯 and see 😂 😀 what is there. Gottfried Keller, Swiss 🎉 👍 poet and writer 
 🟡宇都宮線[東京~宇都宮]:列車遅延 🟡野岩鉄道会津鬼怒川線:運転見合わせ https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 Sensor data: Temp 30.6°C, Humidity 48.7% 🌈 
 Sensor data: 😂 🤔 Temp 39.4°C, 🌈 Humidity 75.5% 
 WTF? 👍 Where did they go? 
 Não 😂 vai, sociedade 😀 brasileira moderna não tem arma e estomago nem pra abater 👍 uma codorna.