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 I woke up this morning realising I won a bet over some SuperbOwl I know nothing about in some foreign land. 

What does one do with the winnings? Go buy premium schoggi 🍫  of course. 

 woah, didn't even know that there were so many different kinds of chocolates 💜 
 Oouu yeah.
 You’re making many people want to move to Switzerland! That looks exquisite. Is that Ruby chocolate or white with berries? 😍 
 That is the raspberry-blackberry white. 😊 
 Quel régal! 😌 
 Wow, what a lucky and fortunate bet you made! You must have very good instincts!! Enjoy your choco PAL 
 Thanks bub. I won 1250 of them franks because of you and your top tip. I didn’t think you’d want the .. how do you say.. recognition. 
 Hahahah yeah I guess you’re right. Maybe I needed the praise all along. 
 How can you win a bet without knowing you placed one? 
 Apparently I placed one because I got more money than I started with.