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 Daily Inspiration: "Problems can't be solved if nobody has discovered that they exist!" - Futurist Jim Carroll

Everything is beta, it seems.

If you use popular software programs, no doubt you've heard of the phrase, and have often sought access to the newest version in order to try the latest, greatest features. You might have friends who are using a beta or 'developer' version of an iPhone software update. Others might be using a 'beta' version of a software program in order to try out the latest features. Anyone who uses Tesla's (so-called) Full Self-Driving software knows that has never been anything but a 'beta' version.  'Beta' software makes the world go round. 

The concept of 'beta' versions goes beyond software to the very idea of trying to do new things - the essence of innovation. Organizations that are working hard to align to a new and different future, are in 'beta mode' all the time. They are trying new ideas, implementing new concepts, and chasing new methodologies. Inevitably, things will go wrong - and accepting this fact, AND learning from them, is what will provide for real success.

In effect, the idea of communicating about flaws, problems, and mistakes is critical to future success, and so there are valuable lessons here for corporate efforts and innovation. When you are chasing new ideas, developing new products, and implementing new ways of doing things, you are operating out on the 'bleeding edge.' You are doing a 'beta.' You must be prepared for things to go wrong, for ideas to go off the rails, and for concepts to be malleable and risky. it's the only way to get ahead. but at the same time, you need to ensure that you have an honest and open culture of sharing, in which people are willing to communicate what they've discovered that isn't quite right - and with the opportunity to suggest how to fix the wrongs.

Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2023/10/daily-inspiration-innovation-communications-problems-cant-be-solved-if-nobody-has-discovered-that-they-exist/
