Naira Continues to Depreciate Against US Dollar in Both Parallel and Official Markets =============== #f4e83713 ver:1.53 The Nigerian Naira continues to depreciate against the US Dollar in both the official and parallel markets, impacting purchasing power and the overall economy. Lack of interventions by the Central Bank of Nigeria and increased demand for foreign currency are contributing factors. Efforts are being made to stabilize the exchange rate, but concerns remain. The US Dollar remains strong globally, further affecting the Naira's value. Fluctuations in the forex market are influenced by economic and geopolitical factors. #NairaDepreciation #ForexMarket #EconomicImpact... #newstr #NigerianNaira #ForeignExchangeMarket #CentralBankOfNigeria #BureauDeChange #ForexTurnover #PeterObi #EconomicAndFinancialCrimesCommission #UsDollar #MajorCurrencies