Oddbean new post about | logout
 truth be told, im weary of ideological purity maxis. 
you know what im talking about? where someone has to agree with 100% of the maxi ideology to ever do or say anything right.
really, it seems like mental illness normalized by big tech algos. 
 Of course Marc can get things right. But still, fuck him for being a scammer. 
 yeah. i mean i agree with you. i hate that stuff. im just feeling a weariness with the general tribal lines thing. im hoping it peaks and goes the other way 
 it is quite noticeable that he avoids saying “bitcoin”. 
 yes! 👏now do team sports! 
 you go ahead. 
 Sounds like plain old tribalism to me. 
 Grey Tribe 🤝 
 100% agree with this... 🤔😉 
 With you both...Yah cant stand people who only use toilets for going poop. Or those who dont consider rolexes and mountain houses as viable holdings for their investment portfolio. People who are married to toilets and dont have any rolex nor mountain houses are no friends of mine. No sir-ree.  
 good job drinking your retard juice and belching rando wordsalad. 
 Here anytime to take the position of devils advocate & always drunk off retard juice. Cheers 
 If you don't agree with me 100%, I will block you ✋ 
 Its just vested interests thinking they are protecting their interests, but really they aree just failing to engage, creating isolated bubbles.