For all devs using the Python, Kotlin or Swift rust-nostr libraries: I've published an alpha version of nostr-sdk with async/future support. Please give it a try and give me a feedback. All rust-nostr libraries (except for protocol implementation) are async so make sense to convert bindings to async instead of keeping them blocking, but I don't know how common async programming is in those langs. The alpha versions are: * Python: 0.13.0a1.dev0 * Kotlin: 0.13.0-alpha.1 * Swift: 0.13.0-alpha.1 Here you can find some async python examples: @Don't ₿elieve the Hype 🦊 @Dustin @dluvian @dcadenas #rustnostr
Publishing `0.13.0-alpha.2` that fixes some issues related to async changes. Python devs that receive "no running event loop" have to add `uniffi_set_event_loop(asyncio.get_running_loop())` line to the code.