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 Gigi is right, Anger is a lower level emotion  and disturbs your own reality, similar low frequency emotions are envy, fear and    hate. 
It's all about raising our own individual energy level to influence global collective consciousnes on a level beyond the material world. 
 What about depression? 
 1. **Focus on Energy Levels**: Depression can often be linked to low energy or a diminished emotional state. By consciously shifting focus to activities, thoughts, or environments that promote joy, fulfillment, and higher energy, it is possible to improve mood and overall well-being.

2. **Conscious Reality Creation**: Individuals have the power to influence their own mental and emotional state by choosing empowering beliefs and focusing on positive outcomes. Recognizing the impact of one's thoughts and intentions can help shift away from a depressive mindset.

3. **Perspective Shift**: Changing the way one views life and circumstances can play a crucial role in overcoming depression. Seeing oneself as empowered rather than a victim of external circumstances can reduce feelings of helplessness and improve emotional resilience.

4. **Spiritual Awareness**: Depression may also stem from a disconnection from one's deeper self or sense of purpose. Reconnecting with inner values, intuition, or a spiritual perspective can provide meaning and help alleviate emotional heaviness. 
 Also consider Carl Jung's View on Depression

1. **Depression as a Message from the Unconscious**:  
   Jung believed that depression signals a deeper, unresolved issue within the unconscious mind. It reflects an inner imbalance or conflict that has been ignored or repressed. Rather than seeing depression as purely negative, Jung considered it a call for self-reflection, urging individuals to address aspects of their psyche that need attention. This could involve examining personal values, unresolved emotions, or unfulfilled needs that are out of alignment with one's life path.

2. **The Role of Shadow Work**:  
   Central to Jung's theory is the concept of the "shadow"—the parts of ourselves that we deny, repress, or are unaware of. He suggested that depression can arise when we push away these aspects of our personality, such as fears, desires, or unresolved traumas. To overcome depression, Jung advocated for "shadow work," the process of bringing these hidden elements into conscious awareness and integrating them into our identity. This integration can lead to greater emotional balance and self-understanding.

3. **Individuation Process**:  
   Jung described individuation as the process of becoming one's true self, a lifelong journey of psychological development. He saw depression as a natural part of this process, especially during transitional phases when individuals confront aspects of their identity or life purpose. Depression may occur when one's current identity or way of being no longer aligns with the deeper, authentic self. These periods of depression, though painful, are necessary for personal growth and transformation, allowing individuals to move toward wholeness.

4. **Finding Meaning in Suffering**:  
   For Jung, suffering, including depression, carries inherent meaning. He believed that psychological pain shouldn't be avoided or suppressed but rather explored for its deeper significance. By understanding the personal or existential reasons behind depression, individuals can gain valuable insight into their lives and discover new paths forward. This search for meaning transforms depression from something purely destructive into a potential catalyst for self-discovery and spiritual development. 
 Depression is not merely an emotion, but a state of being that arises from a variety of circumstances, including emotional factors. In my view, emotions and thoughts are at the core, serving as the foundation from which different states of consciousness emerge.

Raising your energy levels can be achieved through a combination of physical, mental, and emotional strategies. Here are several effective ways to boost your energy:

1. **Physical Activity**:
   - **Exercise Regularly**: Engage in activities like walking, jogging, yoga, or strength training. Physical movement increases blood flow, releases endorphins, and improves overall vitality.
   - **Stretch and Move**: Even simple stretches or a short walk can help break stagnant energy and refresh your body.

2. **Healthy Nutrition**:
   - **Eat a Balanced Diet**: Focus on nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods and sugar, which can cause energy crashes.
   - **Stay Hydrated**: Dehydration can lead to fatigue, so ensure you're drinking enough water throughout the day.

3. **Quality Sleep**:
   - **Prioritize Sleep**: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and a relaxing bedtime routine to improve restfulness.
   - **Power Naps**: A 10-20 minute nap during the day can help recharge your energy without causing grogginess.

4. **Manage Stress**:
   - **Practice Relaxation Techniques**: Meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness exercises can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
   - **Take Breaks**: Avoid overworking by incorporating short breaks into your day to refresh your mind and prevent burnout.

5. **Positive Mental Focus**:
   - **Shift Your Mindset**: Engage in activities or thoughts that bring joy, gratitude, or a sense of accomplishment. Focusing on positive experiences can lift your mood and increase energy.
   - **Avoid Energy Drains**: Limit exposure to negative influences, whether it be people, environments, or media that drain your emotional energy.

6. **Connect with Others**:
   - **Social Interaction**: Positive interactions with friends or loved ones can uplift your mood and energy. Spend time with people who inspire and motivate you.
   - **Laugh and Play**: Humor and light-hearted activities are great ways to raise your energy instantly.

7. **Engage in Creative Activities**:
   - **Creative Expression**: Engage in hobbies like painting, writing, or playing music. Creative activities can help you tap into a flow state, which can enhance your energy and focus.

8. **Align with Purpose**:
   - **Pursue Meaningful Goals**: Engage in activities or projects that resonate with your values and purpose. A strong sense of purpose can generate sustainable energy and motivation.

By integrating these practices into your routine, you can consistently elevate your energy levels and improve your overall well-being.