I have a Git repository ~/Knowledge where I put most of my knowledge (notes, code, datasets, etc) aside from work stuff. I used to have the remote URL be a hardcoded directory path /Volume/Backup/Knowledge and every now and then I would plug in a memory stick which mounted to /Volume/Backup, and push to the memory stick. My memory stick just died a few days ago so I had to find a new backup location. I've had so many memory sticks and external SSDs die on me by now so I've bit the bullet and moved to a cloud service, that is to say a Hetzner VPS. I set up a bare Git repo on ~/Knowledge on the server and now I just push to there. I guess I need to make sure that my Hetzner server is accessible in case my Mac's disk is inaccessible 🤔.
I've been using pretty much the same note-taking system for over 7 months now. I settled on org-roam in a git repo. I used to be rigorous about linking, committing at the end of each day, processing yesterdays diff in the morning and all that jazz, but now I just kinda find use it with no system. I use consult-rip-grep for searching which works pretty well. Linking and looking at the knowledge graph is pretty fun, but I hardly ever use it tbh. https://media.emacs.ch/media_attachments/files/111/128/130/290/027/318/original/913d5b7423355584.png