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🇮🇱🇺🇲 Call for killing 2-year-olds in Palestine for allegedly posing a future risk to Israel at Trump rally

 A vote for Hitler 2.0 is a vote for Zionism.
 Kill everyone in the Middle East. USA USA USA. etc.

 Trump simps pretty quiet on this one... 
 Yes they are.   Always are. 
 This literally made me sick to my stomach. So much hate and vitriol, and directed at children for fucks sake. All of these gOoD cHrIsTiAnS advocating for this are disgusting.  
 Did I misunderstand something?
The clip posted says that some of the kids are taught to hate and kill Americans when the kids are 2 years old.

Was there further context where someone said to kill the children? I didn’t hear that in the clip. Just that he was advocating not to let them into the country of the people they were raised to hate and kill. 
 Funny he brings up Reagan, that was about the time that we armed the Taliban against the Soviets. 
And Our subsequent backing of Israel was cited in Osama bin Laden's "letter to America". 
I'll just leave this here for good measure....
 😬 not a good look. 
I’m pleasantly surprised that the crowd was actually pretty tepid for this. Other speeches they were roaring, but scattered cheers for this