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 If you're not regularly feeling uncomfortable or offended, you're probably trapped in a bubble that is inhibiting your personal growth!

 Echo chambers are bad. It's best to surround ourselves with varying opinions and people from diverse backgrounds. Otherwise, like you said, we can't grow. Plus, it would be incredibly boring. 

Trying to figure out what we are wrong about is so much more productive than trying to prove what we are “right” about. 
 Alternatively, one has learned to not identify with ego, and opinions from others don't tend to cause offense or discomfort. 
 I, an ardent agnostic, have agreed to go on the Thank God for Bitcoin podcast. 😬
 Heh heh heh. Well done Sir. :) 
 So you passionately uncertain about the existence of god? 
 Exactly. I consider anyone who claims certainty about the existence / nonexistence of god to be delusional. 
 fair enough. if we scale back "certainty" to just your beliefs/thoughts, do you think there is something beyond life? 
 I have no reason to believe in an afterlife because I have no recollection of a beforelife.

Neither can I disprove it, but it seems to me that our consciousness is highly reliant upon the continued operation of a fragile organic computer we call a brain. 
 You speak my language 👍 . What I find is that you have to basically suspend your logical brain in order to be open to ideas that otherwise would seem ridiculous, which is hard for me to do. My logical brain has served me very well in life. And I've always wondered why God would design us with this logical brain, but then basically require that we suspend that logic to believe in things we cannot possibly understand? Maybe it keeps us humble to keep in mind that we don't know everything.

However, I have to admit that recently in dealing with some difficult times, it has been helpful to allow myself to believe in something beyond life. Probably just a coping mechanism, but admittedly a helpful one.  
 Even very young children have different temperaments
Why were are interested in certain things from a very young age
Childhood prodigies
The above give some clues to the before life. These are only things we need in this current life. Thankfully we forget most of baggage which comes with before lives.
Upanishads give a good logical thought to explain it. 
 Upanishads explore the "subject" in us and inform that the subject in us is not the mind, body or intellect.
According to the Upanishad thought.
mind, body and intellect are also objects. The ultimate subject in us is the essential factor which makes body function, make the mind feel and make the intellect think. This essential factor is also called as God.
The aim of human birth is supposed to be to realise that we are that God.
 Something I'm certain about is humans have very powerful imaginations.  
 That is true. And oftentimes susceptible to scams. 
 I think the other important part of agnosticism is to be passionately uncertain about the *definition* of god, which plays a large part in the uncertainty of existence/nonexistence 
 good heavens, Jameson, we wish you well 
 good for you for being humble about your beliefs and being willing to discuss your beliefs with people who don’t believe the same way 
 The Gospel of Thomas says something that I’ve always found to be true

"Jesus said, "The seeker should not stop until he finds. When he does find he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything. Having reigned, he will rest." 
 Looking forward to listening 
 I find it astounding that folks can honestly believe, have actual faith in that they can not know if God exists.  Existence of creation is literally everywhere.  But if one doesn’t have eyes to see or have ears to hear what can a man do? 
 You're operating upon an unproven assumption that the default state is nonexistence rather than existence. 
 People who do not believe in god do not have “faith” in that belief. Faith is a state of the unsure, not the sure. Faith is being certain in the uncertain. Whereas agnosticism is being uncertain of the uncertain. 

I find it astounding people have faith in their God and that all other gods or a lack of gods are false.  
 I’m thankful for Nostr and thankful for “discussion” (preferably over coffee).  Thank you for this interaction, but for me it will be limited to this last post.  

We were all created to worship, it just depends on the noun of your particular choice to worship.  Consciously or not we’re all worshipping something.  Speaking from experience, life with Christ is not easy.  It shouldn’t be.  If it is we have our theology all wrong.  Why is it though that we all struggle?  And yes, we all struggle.  It’s because we’re forgetful.  We struggle in our flesh to remember.  We forget that we can do nothing in our own strength as there is nothing good in us.  For there is none worthy (not even one).  We forget it is His strength and his grace and his mercy that gives the only hope there is for this world.  I’ll probably even mess up this post.  😊

Yes, I come from a life of brokenness, yes I experience brokenness, but in Christ I am not broken.  He’s my dad, far and away better and eternal than any earthly dad.  His finished work gives both you and I hope.  I have faith, and for me it came tangibly, through grit and sweat and fear and abandonment and rejection.  And it is sweet.  Religion isn’t what is needed.  A very personal, unique to you relationship with the triune and living God is what is needed, by every one of us.  And that is everyone reading this.  

He who has ears to hear let him hear. 
 Its difficult to deny the existence of God after you've met him yourself.