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 Simply disgusting. Signing bombs that later kill innocent soldiers, sons, women and children! Fuck the war and fuck the warmonger. https://video.nostr.build/7c2343ceda64b9a49988757ca07d1e5916e625f47d5ecbdd35dcaa94015e2446.mp4  
 It's so fucking gross, smiling while putting your autograph on tools of death. 

What does that say about you? What sort of skeletons do these men hide under their expensive tailored suits. 

You have to wonder...  
 Honestly it’s crazy, but then I’m like is this just human nature? They defo did similar things when tribes would go to war against eachother during our hunter gatherer era, maybe we never get rid of these weirdos 
 Yeah, I think it's just a certain percentage the of the population is always like this. They all need to be executed.  
 It's all about dehumanizing your opposition. If they are other.. They are not your kin so you can feel whatever you want towards them. 

Empathy might be more scarce in this world that even bitcoin.  
 You’re right! Maybe that’s what happens when you rob the global wealth of everyone’s money, it’s unsettling and is actually playing out physically in society. I do hope bitcoin changes people core values. 
 Bitcoin's time is almost here. 
 Amen to that brother 
 I'd like to know what he wrote on that thing. Took him a while 
 I don't even want to know. 
Simply disgusting 
 Hide the kids. Hide the wife. The murderous perverts are at it again

 His hands were probably quivering cause this gets his nut off.  
 He wrote "Diddler" 
 Some stupid brain fart going by how long it took him 
 I was thinking the same. Thats got be longest signature ever... 
 Killing is a fuel for GDP  
 rats in suits 
 who is the guy 
 That gathering super diddy 
 So you basically saying fuck Russia that have started all this, right? 
 I didn't say that! Every war is inhumane and only the innocent die. Everyone should understand my first post. Screw the war, every war 
 I agree on this. 
 NATO has been provoking them for over 10 years. Nobody knows the real story. 
 Jews are so great that they sign bombs and yet they are perceived as the good guys the other side are the terrorists that are inhuman.
What level of brainwashing takes for that.
 it was cool AF in the 1940s 
 "Victory in the field begins in the factory"

Probably the most direct quote  that wars are for maximizing sales. They are laughing in our faces. 
 Unfortunately, this is what it looks like 
 Seriously what is wrong with these people. Of course you answer with violence to violence, but you don’t celebrate death you brought upon others even if it os necessary. 
 When the time comes, let's not forget to sign the rope these people will he hung with. 
 How can one be so detached from humanity 🤢 
 He left a message of peace in a bomb, look this hypocrisy.  
 Zelensky is happy. It is not any of his sons who fight his war. Surrender and put an end to this mess. Living citizens. 
 That’s how Ukraine started this war back in 2014.
That’s what Zelensky had vowed to fight against.
That’s not only his broken promise, but the end of his government and, perhaps, Ukraine as a whole.
Congratz to these politicians for choosing defeat and war instead of compromise and peace 
 Fuck you 