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 Awake at 3am with jet lag in Tokyo. What should I do? 

1. Put your phone down idiot and try to rest. 
2. Get up and code. 
3. Get up and go running. 
 3 - what a cool place to run! 
 I want to say 2 but for your own sake: 1 
 Coffee may help with 2 and 3 ☕💜🫂 
 Code until you pass out at the keyboard. 🤣 
 I’d do number 3 
 Get some Ramen and try to sleep after 😴  
 Try number 3! 
 Stay up until tomorrow night. Get a lot of sunlight tomorrow. 
 Depends on how long you are there for in that timezone and how you feel. 
 3 for sure 🏃 
 A weight training session has been proven to cut the effects of jet lag by over half.  
 Wish my current hotel had a gym. 
 Go to the fish market! Now! 
 You can run there (number 3), it's the biggest fish market in the entire world, and only if you go early you will see the best. 
 Oooh. That’s a good idea. 
 I saw it only in documentaries, and it looks amazing and messy at same time 😁
The tuna auctions are insane, restaurants competing for the biggest and better ones, with prices that can go to hundreds of thousand $ 👀 
 Ran to the fish market and it was still nearly completely closed at 530. Cool vibe but I think I’ll need to go back when it’s properly open. 
 Nice! Perhaps I am so sorry it was close, hope you will have the time and opportunity to see it.   It was worth a try 💜🤙🍀😁 
 Definitely worth it. 🤙 
 Same lol, I went out for sushi in shinjuku , then some tweaks to my presentation on wens https://i.nostr.build/gxMm.jpg  
 Nice! Think I’m going to run to the fish market in a bit and be back for the baths when they open at my hotel. 
 Hell yeah! Didn’t make it to the fish market today as it was kind of far from where I’m staying but looking forward to meeting you later this week! PV 🖖🏽 
 Any of those is better than my preferred choice: jack shit 😅 
 #sushistr join LoL #[2] 
 stay awake as long as you can and then crash in the evening. 

you'll recover from jet lag faster.  
 Its a great place for Gweilos. Enjoy 
 first get up and go running, then put your phone down and rest a bit, then get up and code 
 4. Have a beer