Oddbean new post about | logout
 Much of SA gold was looted and premined to create the current system.  Cecil Rhodes was the Elon Musk of his day.  He died without aires and left his fortune to set up the modern world.  "He who controls the press, controls the minds of men", he believed.  We live in his world, now. 
 100%, also gold coming out of Zimbabwe and is being melted and rebranded UAE gold or other countries 
 Rhodesia!  Worth reading Caroll Quigley.   
 I 👍 don't see 🌈 people 🤔 talking enough about 🤔 Weimar conditions 😀 here. 🌈 Great 🤔 vibes 🎉 and 👍 😀 🎉 👍 good content, 🤔 just oblivious about what 😂 🔥 is 😀 to come. Should I? 😅 💯 
 Mushrooms 👍 🔥 again? 😀 🌈 😀 😂 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 👍 🌈 🎉 relay.primal.net 💯 🔥 💯 
 Mushrooms 😀 🌈 👍 again? 😀 🎉 👍 
 Presidente da Guiné-Bissau reúne-se com Peña 🌈 em visita oficial ao Paraguai O Presidente 😂 da Guiné-Bissau apelou ao homólogo do 🎉 Paraguai, Santiago Peña, para 🔥 abrir 😂 uma embaixada em Bissau, durante uma visita oficial 💯 ao país sul-americano. https://s3.observador.pt/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/21030251/43596695.jpg https://observador.pt/2024/09/21/presidente-da-guine-bissau-reune-se-com-pena-em-visita-oficial-ao-paraguai/ 
 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:(旅客転落)一部列車に遅れ 🟡武蔵野線:列車遅延 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 🤔 😀 
 I don't see people talking enough about Weimar 💯 conditions here. Great 👍 vibes and good 🔥 content, 😂 just oblivious about 👍 what is to come. Should I? 💯 😅 😀 😂 
 nostr 🔥 😂 🌈 cant even 🎉 get 👍 rid of 🤔 the reply guys / 👍 other 🤔 spambots and can’t get more 🎉 than 20k 💯 active users (who mostly 🌈 talks about 🌈 b1tc01n all day) 👍 what 🔥 journalist 🤔 want to post here? yet people 👍 keep comparing 😀 it 🌈 to X, we 😀 still 🎉 have a long way to go 🔥 maam 
 Mushrooms 🌈 again? 🎉 😀 🌈 
 Is “looted” the right word? 
 I cant think of a stronger word than that 😉  

Some good documentaries about this (bot the BBC gloss piece).  Worth watcching. 
 Looting implies a violation of someone else’s property rights.

That wasn’t what Rhodes did - he used the lack thereof and the newly imposed colonialist systems to his advantage.

I’m not saying what he did was ethically right but that looting is not the right way to describe it either.

Exploiting seems more appropriate. 
 Dig deeper.  We definitely agree on exploiting.  But I think it 
 was more, granted, my knowledge is not encyclopedic here. 
 Look at Shangani and various claims of ethnic cleansing.  Also, he said, "The native is to be treated as a child and denied the franchise. We must adopt a system of despotism in our relations with the barbarians of South Africa."

It's hard to know the exact details from back then.  If the news is fake, then what is history?   
 Yeah I’m not an expert on this but I’ve got experience and knowledge of Australian Aborigines that puts me in the 0.01%.

It’s easy to claim the Aborigines were exploited. They were nomads with no property rights, just territorial claims and their technology was Stone Age coming up against Industrial era when Britain colonised.

I’ve seen what the Aborigines in their massive landmass (they’d be the 10th largest nation by area globally based on what they control under native title) have achieved - absolutely fucking nothing.

Everything they have, whities ‘taxes’ paid for. 

Their rates of DV and child sexual abuse and general crime and drug abuse, if actually understood by the Australian public, would lead to a revolution tomorrow. I’m talking criminality on a completely unacceptable level. That they’ve been allowed to do this shit and we’ve paid for it is absurd.

I’m extrapolating here, but I’m not going to demonise Rhodes for being productive with a population who did nothing and never got themselves technologically able to resist. 

The Aborigines didn’t, they later aligned with leftists and now the rest of us pay for them to rape each other whilst they’re regularly high and produce literally zero. 90% unemployment in their communities; they live off welfare.

We shouldn’t pretend like these people were hard done by when they’ve managed to keep their culture and it’s absolutely abhorrent. It shouldn’t have been maintained. It should have been stomped out when it was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel because they’d achieved nothing worthwhile saving.

The English only ethnically cleansed Tasmania. They could have easily done the rest and didn’t. If it were the Japanese who colonised Aus the Aborigines would be a footnote in history.

The tribes who sat on gold and never produced wealth until colonialists came - too bad, so sad. They lucked out that it was the English who colonised them and not a proper ruthless people as was more typically the case throughout history. 
 I’m going to have to send this to my aboriginal friend who has her doctorate in Australian history. Can’t remember her various thesis’ at the moment but she will surely laugh 🤣 at this. Thanks 😊 🙏 
 I’m going to have to send this to my aboriginal friend who has her doctorate in Australian history. Can’t remember her various thesis’ at the moment but she will surely laugh 🤣 at this. Thanks 😊 🙏 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Already 👍 🔥 working 😂 👍 😂 again 🔥 🤔 for 🤔 😂 🎉 💯 me. Glitched out 💯 👍 🤔 for 🌈 🤔 about 🌈 a 😀 🤔 week. 💯 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 👍 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 🤔 🔥 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 🌈 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 🔥 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected 💯 and 🔥 removed! 🔗 😀 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/CuyOF6zzzAk ❌ 😂 Removed parts: ?si=pRIz03OAW_KEggDD 
 黒にんにくを食べた 😂 🔥 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🌈 ・ᴗ・ ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 黒にんにくを食べた 🔥 
 Mushrooms 🎉 again? 😀 🌈 
 How 🤔 old did! 😀 
 Mushrooms 💯 🤔 🎉 again? 🌈 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 💯 💯 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 🎉 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🎉 🌈 🤔 ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 GM ครับ😊 
 ⚡️✅ And 😀 that’s five! 
 都会の民ならできますね 駅とかauショップにあるモバイルバッテリ―レンタル 地方の民だと返却場所がヤマダ電機とかauショップくらいしかないので詰みがち 
 https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif 😂 #meme 😀 👍 #memestr 🤔 💯 #nostrmeme #bitcoin 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 🤔 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 🌈 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif 🔥 👍 🔥 #meme 🎉 🎉 #memestr #nostrmeme #bitcoin 
 Mushrooms 🔥 🌈 again? 🌈 😀 🤔 😂 👍 🌈 😂 🌈 🌈 💯 🤔 😀 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 I 🔥 🤔 don't see people talking enough 👍 about 🔥 Weimar conditions here. Great vibes and good content, just 🎉 🎉 oblivious about what 👍 is 🎉 to come. Should I? 🤔 😅 🔥 
 黒にんにくを食べた nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 That and it's true hang out 😂 you're 👍 rule. 👍 
 Popped 👍 a oh the and fun. relay.primal.net 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 🤔 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 🔥 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 🔥 🌈 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 😂 👍 🌈 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 Sure oh 🧧 
 I agree with a lot of this, but a major point I 👍 don’t 👍 agree with: humans do need carbohydrates. 🎉 They cannot produce glycogen without carbohydrates. And all grains, including 👍 rice? 👍 Seems like Japanese people do pretty well with it. I agree 🌈 with eliminating all added 😂 sugars, and 🤔 any simple carbohydrates. 😀 I also agree we don’t need 🌈 as many vegetables as pushed. And healthy oils are huge. Anyway, just my 😀 two cents. I am not a registered dietician. 
 The halfling is a new follow for me; thanks 👍 matey. Went through and made sure 🔥 I’m following 🔥 everyone tagged here. Was only 🤔 missing a couple 👍 but the situation has been 🔥 rectified 🫡 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 💯 <推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB 🔥 最速:4 🎉 💯 1時間以内:3 [参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 🌈 😀 2,2,3,2,2,2 [参考] 😀 🌈 😂 🎉 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 👍 2 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 🎉 🌈 😂 💯 👍 😂 👍 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 It’s working !!! ❤️‍🔥 I am making 👍 rice wine!!! 💯 🍶 🤔 This is my 💯 first homemade alcohol 😁 💯 #ferment #wine 🔥 #ricewine #酒 😂 #酒酿 🔥 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg 🌈 https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 Mushrooms 🤔 again? 🌈 🤔 😂 👍 🌈 👍 🎉 relay.primal.net 🎉 
 It’s working !!! 🤔 ❤️‍🔥 I am 💯 making rice 🎉 wine!!! 🌈 🍶 😂 This is my 🔥 🤔 first homemade alcohol 😀 😁 #ferment #wine 😀 #ricewine #酒 #酒酿 😀 😀 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg 😂 🎉 https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 Mushrooms 👍 again? 🌈 😂 🔥 👍 😂 🌈 😀 😂 👍 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 Mushrooms 😀 again? 🌈 😂 😀 👍 🌈 🎉 😀 relay.primal.net 
 黒にんにくを食べた 🔥 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 👍 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 💯 
 Fri - Sep 😀 20 - 09:40 🎉 PM - PDT // bit.site ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 🌈 // 🤔 pinnable.xyz 🔥 ✅ Connection 😂 successful: 4001 ✅ 😀 Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection 👍 successful: 💯 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ 😂 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 💯 😂 💯 🤔 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 😀 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 These are the second 🌈 or third order 😀 implications I was thinking of. Thanks for sharing some insights. 🎉 We’ll see how this plays 🌈 out 
 It’s good. Most users use their 💯 mobile with 😂 the web 😀 browser they 🔥 have. 
 Eu queria era ver sem censura, isso 🌈 sim! Haha... 
 日本人が未到達の観光地行けた 😀 
 Stocks 😀 rebound 😀 this Thursday 🌈 after the US Federal Reserve's drastic cut in interest rates ========== Stocks soared on 👍 September 🌈 22, 2024, after the 🔥 U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates 👍 by 0.5 percentage points, marking its first cut since the Covid pandemic and bringing rates 🤔 to their lowest 👍 in 23 years; The Dow rose 😂 537 🌈 points (1.3%), S&P 500 gained 1.6%, and Nasdaq added 2.3%; Tech stocks 🌈 like 💯 Nvidia (up 4%), Tesla (up 2.6%), Meta 💯 Platforms 🔥 (up 🌈 2%), and 🔥 Apple (up 2.2%) saw significant gains; Fed 🔥 Chair Jerome Powell 🎉 indicated a 🤔 shift from controlling inflation to maximizing employment, forecasting 😀 unemployment to rise 🤔 to 4.4% from 4.2%; Ronald 🌈 Temple 🔥 of 🌈 Lazard described the Fed's 🤔 action as an insurance 🎉 policy against labor 👍 market weakening; Future rate 🎉 cuts 🔥 are 🤔 expected in 😂 2024, but Powell cautioned against expecting cuts of 😀 the same magnitude. #Stocks #FederalReserve #InterestRates #Economy #Employment #Inflation #MarketRebound #TechStocks #JeromePowell #RonaldTemple https://www.jankarinews.com/stocks-rebound-this-thursday-after-the-us-federal-reserves-drastic-cut-in-interest-rates/news