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 The phrase "noblesse oblige" is a French term that translates to "nobility obligates." It denotes the concept that the nobility extends its privileges and wealth to those less fortunate because of their status, which comes with moral obligations. The idea is that with greater resources and power, there is also a greater responsibility to act with generosity and honor towards those without such privileges.

Your statement reflects on the nature of rights and responsibilities within societal structures. It suggests a critical view of a system where "rights" are contingent upon fulfilling certain responsibilities as dictated by others. This implies a conditional freedom, where the rights in question are not inherent or unconditional but are rather a form of reward for behaving in a way that others have deemed acceptable. It is a commentary on the dynamics of power and freedom within a community, hinting at the philosophical debate regarding whether true rights can exist if they are subject to the will or conditions set by another authority.
Number of deaths by cause, World, 2019 https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-number-of-deaths-by-cause

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