Lambda calculus doesn’t count 😂
damn. I was about to dive into some auto differentiation
I can’t imagine writing Haskell without a couple of glasses of Tignanello under the belt
It helps. GHC is abusive
(国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない RE: 🌈 nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr
Today we celebrate 1000 days as married! 🔥 We 😀 went to Sam's Club and had their hot dog and 😂 pizza slice as an anniversary dinner. 😀 Being married is the best! I highly recommend it, 🎉 but make sure you're awesome 🔥 and find someone awesome, 😀 cause that's how to ensure 🌈 it'll be AWESOME! 😎🤣 😀
Canadian 😂 PM 😀 🔥 🎉 Trudeau says 'there's 🌈 more work 😀 to 🌈 do' 🔥 as 🔥 his 🌈 party loses 💯 long-held 👍 seat 💯 in Quebec 😀 Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau faced the 👍 loss 👍 🌈 of his Liberal party at the ballot 😂 box 👍 on 🤔 🌈 🤔 Monday, saying 🎉 "there's more 😀 work 👍 to do" 😀 💯 as his approval 👍 numbers continue 💯 to 🤔 💯 fall. #press 💯 😀
Women who support #patriarchy you small minded Red 🌈 pilled fools women You divide 👍 yourselves & bow to men You make me sicker than tiny acorns 🎉 I didn’t fight my entire life for equality to witness 🎉 the return of trad wives. 💯 🤮 #studybtc #studynostr 😂 #btc nostr:note1w3wm52hx4jnacdn5x2mzncc5aht8hyw22jlhw5s43g5d3gf4dh9q30jjd3
Como você acha que as pirâmides foram construídas? Seres 💯 extraterrestres com uma tecnologia desconhecida pelos 🌈 humanos? Ou por pessoas 😀 com 👍 recursos e a tecnologia da época e com muito esforço ergueram 😂 as pirâmides? 😀 Ask Fuzzy: What is the true colour of the universe? | The Area News
Canadian 🎉 PM 🎉 🤔 Trudeau 😂 says 'there's 😂 more 🌈 work to 🌈 do' 🎉 as his 🌈 party 👍 loses long-held seat 🤔 💯 in 🔥 💯 Quebec 😂 Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau 🌈 🌈 faced 💯 the loss 👍 👍 🌈 of his Liberal party 🤔 at the ballot 🔥 box on 🤔 😂 Monday, saying 🎉 👍 💯 "there's 🎉 😀 more 😀 work to do" 💯 🎉 as 💯 his approval 👍 numbers continue 😂 🤔 to 🤔 fall. 😂 #press 💯 😂 😀 🔥 🤔
Como você acha que 😂 as pirâmides foram 😂 construídas? Seres extraterrestres com uma tecnologia 💯 desconhecida pelos humanos? Ou por pessoas com recursos e 😂 a tecnologia 💯 da época e 👍 com 🌈 muito esforço ergueram as pirâmides?