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J | 2 months ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +15
 If I can get anywhere near this price for all these downed trees I’m processing .. I’m rich folks! Sats sorted. 😂 https://image.nostr.build/c8eb58ad4dfcbc49f4aaf16f9d2a7a05e91ac966e345b0484433827c614afb3e.jpg  
 those must be organic 
 Nostr marketplace? 
 Shipping prices might get out of control. 😂 
 Bro the gas stations in my area sell those for $20… 
 Robbery! I’ll probably setup an honesty box before too long. The amount of green wood I’m about the have on hand is insane. 
 another example of cutting out plebs who actually cared for forests with permits & restrictions.    westcoastlunacy/letitburn 
 What a steal.... I mean, what a rip-off. 🤤

 Thanks for the Christmas present idea  
 Happy to help. 🎅🏼