If that were the case, then the diocese would have spoken up and canceled it. But they didn't, even when asked, so I can only assume that the RCC currently approves of this new abomination mass.
why is this happening at all
like satan is just having his way with all these churches around the world right now
Scripture tells us about a great apostasy. It never says that all the apostates will stop claiming they're Christian.
i already got enough to be absolutely floored with the depression about
i get super mad, when people try to tell me that Jesus supports w/e horrible shit they like cuz BRO Jesus was just like live and let live man, and be kind, and be a doormat. then it's like "no Jesus flipped over tables and whipped people who were exploiting others"
I hate that they act like He’ll forgive anyone for anything no matter what
He only forgives you if you’re SORRY :angrynoises:
I hate the "Christianity is a pure pacifist run" gaslighting so fucking much