If you remember, I told you I will build something that uses Mainline to point to anything like DNS, that became Pkarr.org that did:dht is based on. If you are open to adopt it despite not being secp256k1, let me know. Also check what Iroh wrote about it iroh.computer/blog/iroh-global-node-didcovery
We’re not going to completely change our keys and identity system to get a system to look up name/key to relay lookup system. Doing that would mean forking Nostr. You’re welcome to try and fork the tech and community, but that’s not an ocean I want to boil.
That is perfectly reasonable, but my point stands that the only alternative is to use a DHT that supports secp, and then all your choices are going to be so small that censorship resistance isn't as credible as Mainline. There are creative ways to use Pkarr in backwards compatible ways, similar to how Nip05 is optional, but it is not a thing I will personally propose because it will be perceived as hostile NIP probably.