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 I am truly shocked by how much money traders lose both long and short off the smallest price moves.

Literally tens of millions lost every little swing, minute by minute, absolutely incredible  
 Stupid games and stupid prizes.  Truly 
 I would like to see a balance of trade chart. Are they in the profit as often as they post losses? 
 Can't see profits it's not public 
 I wouldn't go anywhere near it myself and have ZERO knowledge of it. Does this 10X and 100X mean you can literally 10X or 100X your stack🤔. Can someone explain in layman's terms, how it works please.  
 If you go 100x, you double your investment every 1% move up 
 Aaah, right, ok. Thanks🙏🏻. 
 when one sucker loses money another guy makes it

these brokers of the leveraged shorts/longs are making obscene amounts of money 
 You can’t outsmart stupid 
 It’s a pipeline, educating people to draw lines, and think differently 
 It’s as if there are inefficiencies in the system xD 
 imagine the stress  
 Forex notoriously is known for that. Watch the gold guys lose billions in seconds. 
 I wish they paid to real art and support Independent artists 😉 