Oddbean new post about | logout
 I don't think it is. However, business owners get to set rules for their work environment. If they want ethnic people comfortable working or patronizing they don't need their workers all loosey goosey with language. 

Everyone understands this since kindergarten. Stop the political speak and talk to each other. That's what people are afraid of. 

Talk to different people. Make mistakes. Learn from them. Adapt to situation and circumstance. 

I use Italian slang with my Italian friends, I use Vietnamese slang with my Vietnamese friends, and I call my long-time homies my niggas. But unlike in the 70s-90s, I am mindful to not do it around young Blacks and not in mixed company. 

Not hard at all. 
 Very true what you’re saying here 

Problem is that it’s often not the people in question that are angry about you using certain words. It’s the high privileged woke leftist people who suddenly thinks everyone is offended by everything and you cannot say anything anymore 
 I think we are saying the same thing, in a way.  
 Yep definitely not disagreeing with you bro 