Excerpt from 'Permanent Record' by Edward Snowden
#cybersecgirl #socialengeneering #opsec #snowden #bookstr
"The fact is, no one with a biography like mine ever comes comfortably to autobiography. It’s hard to have spent so much of my life trying to avoid identification, only to turn around completely and share “personal disclosures” in a book. The Intelligence Community tries to inculcate in its workers a baseline anonymity, a sort of blank-page personality upon which to inscribe secrecy and the art of imposture. You train yourself to be inconspicuous, to look and sound like others. You live in the most ordinary house, you drive the most ordinary car, you wear the same ordinary clothes as everyone else. The difference is, you do it on purpose: normalcy, the ordinary, is your cover. This is the perverse reward of a self-denying career that brings no public glory: the private glory comes not during work, but after, when you can go back out among other people again and successfully convince them that you’re one of them."
I'll be honest i'm suspicious about this guy #Snowden.
The agents i am coming across are socio- psycho-pathic types like #TedBundy that see any act of kindness to a stranger a weakness; they have to do the target a wrong everytime they meet and they are always acting ( #streettheatre ) as though desperate to show their colleagues, clandestine and watching, that they're really with them and not with the target even in sympathy; and like the police and FBI, they act the same, speak the same, carry the same 'groupie' posture, pure #painbodies.
i'm actually disappointed. i always considered the #intelligenceServices the best of the best. Like the #SAS, #navyseals, olympic athletes or chess grandmasters but really they just act like academics with their students 'in the field' catching insects to dissect in a net.