Russia's Economy Faces Severe Recession Due to Weakened Energy Trade and Lost Access to the US Dollar =============== #d97fcea4 ver:0.13 Russia's economy faces severe recession due to weakened energy trade and lost access to the US dollar. The reliance on petrodollars and decline in oil sales could isolate Russia from the global economy. Transitioning to clean energy alternatives can curb Putin's aggression and pave the way for a cleaner future. Rising oil prices have boosted Russia's war economy, but could limit economic spare capacity and add to inflationary pressures. The ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East have the potential to impact oil prices and the global economy. The US hesitates to fully target Russia's energy industry to avoid increasing fuel prices at home. Treasury officials propose actions to cripple a fleet of oil tankers delivering Russian oil, but concerns over energy prices stall the proposal. #Russia #economy #oil #cleanenergy #Ukraine #MiddleEast #inflation #sanctions #globalmarkets... #newstr #Russia #Economy #EnergyTrade #UsDollar #Recession