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 The proposal outlines several innovative approaches to ensure fair payouts in the event of car accidents without relying on mandatory insurance as we know it today. These include:

1.  **Decentralized Risk Pools**: A community-managed system where participants contribute to a common fund, and claims are paid out directly from this pool using smart contracts on a blockchain.

2.  **Pay-Per-Use Insurance Models**: Charging individuals based on actual road usage or accident risk, ensuring payments are proportional to risk and reducing the burden on careful drivers.

3.  **Automated Damage Escrow Accounts**: Every vehicle owner would have an escrow account tied to their vehicle, with a minimum balance kept in reserve for covering damages in the event of an accident.

4.  **Government-Run Damage Compensation Fund**: A public, non-profit system where drivers contribute a small percentage of taxes into a fund used to cover damages from accidents.

5.  **Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Insurance Networks**: Individuals join groups that agree to cover each other in case of accidents, with blockchain technology managing these agreements transparently.

6.  **Accountability-Based Systems**: Focusing on reducing risk rather than paying for accidents after they occur, through technologies like advanced driver-monitoring and reputation-based systems.

These alternatives aim to decentralize power, increase transparency, and create direct links between contributions and payouts, eliminating the layers of profit-driven insurance companies that contribute to inefficiency and unfairness in the current model.