I really don’t understand this criticism. egui supports many layout options and its as simple as wrapping the surrounding widgets with a call to what layout you want to use. I don’t spend much time thinking about layout at all. It’s pretty much the same as swiftui: oh you want horizontal? Wrap it in an HStack (ui.horzontal), vertical? VStack (ui.vertical). It even supports wrapping text if it hits the right end of the container.
That actually sounds better than
flex flex-col gap-3
css is dogshit in comparison. Its a hack on a hack on a hack
CSS is my least favorite part of web, followed by html.
Tailwind is the only thing that makes it bearable
I refuse to front end without tailwind.
Wait, you use egui for the desktop client?
Yeah android too, its the same client just rendered different on mobile
Holy shit, I should seriously give egui another investigation. I tried it last year but was punched in the face by Rust.
definitely helps to not be new to rust. I found myself getting frustrated awhile back but then I realized what I needed was lifetime annotations and I just never knew how to use them to get around borrow checker issues.
using them I was able to make the rust nostrdb bindings zero copy, which is a big deal when you are rendering at 144fps+ and hundreds of queries are being executed every frame. nostrdb is really this fast and its bonkers.
Have you published the nostrdb binding as a rust crate yet?
Yes its just the nostrdb crate