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 In all the articles I can find of this I cannot find a single solitary mention of whether or not the police actually investigated the fiancé for proof of whether or not sexual abuse was committed, only that they moved heaven and earth to make sure to track down a White dude for not wanting his kid in the hands of a mixed race couple. 
 There wasn't even mention of whether or not a rape kit was used to prove whether or not the girl herself was raped or not, that's standard practice in any case like this, but I guess it isn't when the victim is a blonde haired White girl and the alleged perp is a black dude. 
 I mean is it any wonder why "conspiracy theorists" tend to focus on cases where there are very overt, horrifying claims yet seemingly no desire by the authorities to actually investigate them? Maybe there's a reason why people tend to think there's a cover up when a 10 year old says "I've been raped" and the cops just sort of shrug and move on. 
 Mike Enoch has long said that America is the land of conspiracy theories because people instinctually understand that the ruling system is evil and is constantly working to fuck them over, even if they can't name exactly how or why. 
 That's maybe even a bit too rational an analysis.  People don't know who's in charge, it's all very nebulous.  I think that's why Trump hit the spot, people could look at him and think "yeah that's the guy in charge".  He presented as Lord Protector of the Burger Nation. 
 >"Sheeeeeeit deez wypipo be lyins on me"
Hope he's dead.