Oddbean new post about | logout
 I really, truly appreciate your time and this conversation. It’s been very informative. I still don’t think I’m convinced it’s the best, and that I can fully see what everyone sees, but I will definitely take responsibility for some of that. Probably requires a lot more research/reading, and to be honest, I start zoning out when I start reading the long, technical pieces. Thanks for the normie friendly explanations. 
 Glad to help! 

I’ve owned bitcoin for 7+ years now, actively reading and learning about it for maybe 6 of those years, and I still feel like I’ll never fully understand it. What I do know, is that I’ve yet to see any of the purported “better tech” out there be able dethrone it. It moves slowly, it evolves slowly, and it is more secure and unhackable than any network on earth.