I have a habit of encouraging pretty much everyone I come across. I like to find out what someone really wants in life but has been too afraid to go for and then push them to go for it. My wife tells me this is a waste of my time, because often the people I encourage don’t end up following through. But what she doesn’t understand is that I don’t do it for others, I do it for me. If 1/100 people take the advice and change their life that’s enough for me. Another mind free from the matrix. Mission accomplished.
A good practice we should all follow.
Love this.
You are a great guy. I mean it. Keep on helping your fellow man.
TLDR, listen to your wife 90% of the time
I'm so indipendent big cock and super capable of decide for myself today, but I was very very insecure years ago. I still remember people that I came across and just with their positivity and encouragement they had a great impact in my life. Some of them changed my life forever even with little time spent together, just saying the right thing in the right moment.
I wish I had your patience. I don’t help until asked because of the same reasons your wife pointed out. But, I do hope that the tools I design somehow improve people’s lives. But, I suspect there’s chance someone will actually take action if you give them some of your time, so maybe it’s worth it.
OK, so next time I see you I’m gonna tell you everything and I always can use encouragement and I will always listen
Yes Bitcoin Haiti exists partly thanks to you.
i follow through whenever i see hue
Has anyone ever encouraged you to work as a coach?
Like a life coach? lol I don’t believe in thay
The process you’re describing is pretty much coaching. But it doesn’t matter what you call it. What matters is if you enjoy the conversations and it’s meaningful to you. I did 6 months coaching training after working as a developer for 12 years. Just to try something new. Some of the most meaningful conversations I’ve had was with bitcoin founders during coaching sessions.
I could go for a bit of encouraging. I took a risk to make a better life for my family by starting a business in 2021. At the end of 2023 I was forced to close it down and had to find a W2 job. I'm slowly regaining my confidence, but I've still got a ways to go.
If you were to be brutally honest with yourself what did you do that caused the business to fail? Or what could you have done differently that would have caused it to succeed?
Probably my lack of market research on the outset. If I had understood that I couldn't be competitive on larger jobs when I had to pay a franchise fee, I wouldn't have gone that route. I got heavily disheartened when I poured everything that I had into it for a year and had nothing to show for it. That's when my performance really slipped.
Yeah entrepreneurship is like staring into the abyss and eating glass. People shouldn’t glamorize it. It’s brutally hard. How do you feel now that you’re back in a salaried position?
I tell friends and family “worry when I stop encouraging you to be your best self. It’ll be sign I stopped caring”.
why is so important to be something? why we have to compete to be something? When we win means someone else is losing. A human, just like us.
I really want to start an ice cream / cafe shop in the downtown section of my small hometown. Currently there is none, so it’s an opening in the market. I would love to accept bitcoin as payment at this store. I’ve never started a business before and have no idea what I’m doing, and I’m terrified of going bankrupt / the business going belly up. I have a wife and kids and I’m putting their well being and happiness on the line.
Tough call. How bigs the town? What’s the foottraffic like in that area?
Population is about 7,500, but it’s a college town and has lots of local events so foot traffic is decent.
I would know my numbers well. Maybe go out on a random Wednesday when nothing is going on and stand outside the store all day with a hand counter and just count everyone who walks by. Also see if the person leasing will work with you. Beg borrow and steal. Never pay full price for anything. You have to protect your downside as an entrepreneur
That’s a great idea! If I do that, what is a conservatively low estimate as far as what percentage of foot traffic you would expect to stop in and make a purchase?
There are formulas you can find for this kind of thing online, I think I cribbed the idea from the dude who founded five guys.
The VAST majority of the people you try to encourage or help will make the most of your advice or encouragement... so it makes the most sense to sew encouragement broadly!
Okay I want some encouragement plz
You are exactly where you are supposed to be