Oddbean new post about | logout

Seriously, it's not that hard to have anonymous WoT in nostr, please build it.  
 Bring them to Nostr! We were made for them.  
 Aren't you concerned about the practical anonymity set limitations? 
 It depends on the actual application.

But one trivial example that's super exciting, is that you can write a giftwrapped message signed by an ephemeral key, and still prove to the receiver that the receiver is in fact following the sender.

This removes one of the biggest downsides of giftwrapps: spam.  
 Yes this is cool. I'm concerned about the privacy implications of WoT and super excited about the possibility that znp brings to the table. We need to implement it in our apps so it get normalised in nostr dev practice. 
 AUTH events are a privacy concern. zero knowledge proofs sent using an ephemeral key would be better solution. nostr:nprofile1qqsf03c2gsmx5ef4c9zmxvlew04gdh7u94afnknp33qvv3c94kvwxgspr3mhxue69uhksmmyd33x7epwvdhhyctrd3jjuar0dak8xtcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszxnhwden5te0wpuhyctdd9jzuenfv96x5ctx9e3k7mf0ss9zgs has discussed the concerns about AUTH events in the past. Interested? 
 Yeah, I just know noyhing about zk anything. Being able to piblish stuff only to your network would be really really cool. 
 zk proofs are usually publically verifiable, but there are some that require a private key for verification. 

There could be a proof about inclusion in a group, without revealing exactly who it is.