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 Last night while our with friends, a random guy asked me if I was wearing a Bitcoin hat. 

(Proudly) Yes, yes I am, I said.

He then made some snide comment about not wanting to gaslight me.

I said something along the lines of yes, fucking Bitcoiners just hope to change the world through a better monetary system.

He said, yeah, but when you start talking about how bad the economy is, it gets fucking depressing.

Well, at least he gets that part. 👀 
 It's only depressing if you can't see that Bitcoin is hope 👍🏼 
 Point is that there is noother way in the current economy. It will get exploited by smart and corrupt guys, because of its centralization. It only takes a few years but will have a lasting effect and consequences.

He wants to change that? Then he should not be afraid of Bitcoin. 
 How will decentralization fix it? Like if a country has no control over it's own monetary system and a major event occurs that causes a massive drop in spending, how does a country keep its economy afloat if it no longer has any controls over the economic levers? 
 I know a lot of these types. Out of sight, out of mind is their only strategy when it comes to difficult problems. Partly why nothing changes. 
 Also surprised they didn't try to say you were harming the environment lol 
 Oh, things are gonna change alright 
 Tell him we just need to print more money, that'll solve everything.   Raise the minimum wage, more investing, higher profits, more handouts, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? 
 That is indeed how the economy is structured, yes. Money gets printed and wages go up, ideally resulting in a unit of work continuing to hold the same value while the hoarding of money is discouraged. This in turn stimulates spending which enables producers to keep producing.

The other option is that everyone just tightens their belts and stops spending, which means producers downsize their capacity and let staff go and the economy contracts while a whole bunch of people lose their ability to keep themselves housed and fed. 
 Ahh yes, another cultist who has swallowed the "people will stop spending money" excuse for inflation.   As if people will stop eating if they they think they could buy more food for the same price tomorrow.   Absurd.  You hate the poor and only want to see the rich get richer. Why else would you support a system where you have to invest in stocks or real estate in order to not lose purchasing power over time?  Go watch more Fox news and keep your trite and boring opinions to yourself, k? 
 Ahh yes, another bitcoin fanatic using reductio ad absurdum to support his point. People won't intentionally stop buying food, no, but as is actually evidenced by historic trends people do cut back on luxuries.

And guess what? Luxuries are also produced by companies that employ people, so a drop in demand means they start cutting back on the employees they need, the hours the employ or the pay the offer. That in turn drives people to cut back on essentials due to sheer necessity.

I absolutely support poor people which Is why I don't support ponzi schemes that offer people the ability to get rich by doing nothing which inevitably lead to the majority of poorer people losing out. When bitcoin crashed, who do you think had to sell their stake? People who were sitting on piles of excess money, or poor people who had invested but couldn't keep the cash locked in for several years?

Seriously kid, you need to grow up and embrace the real world. 
 Our economy REQUIRES people to buy luxuries constantly, as it requires new debt to be created to sustain itself.  

You're so wrapped up in the prevailing narrative you can't see it's actually the current system that creates hoarders, billionaire dragons sitting on their piles of hoarded generational wealth.  

Throughout history there have been deflationary and inflationary cycles.  People tend to spend more than save in inflation, and save more than they spend in deflation.   But those cycles of savings are important, and we haven't had one in 100 years.  The billionaire class owns the member banks of the fed, the pull the levers to keep their profits rolling in.

And you're on their side.  

 It doesn't require new debt. It requires luxuries because people like luxuries and so a lot of industry has built around that.

In theory if people wanted to we could remove luxuries from the economy over time to the point that everyone only works in industries that produce essentials and people only buy essentials, but that would be pretty terrible all round.

The problem is that if there's an economic event that causes people to stop buying luxuries suddenly, those industries contract and everyone in them loses money. The rich ones aren't overly affected by this, but all the millions of normal people working in those industries suddenly lose their primary source of income, and that' a pretty huge problem.

The funny thing is you keep telling me I support the billionaires but you're the one supporting a situation that would overwhelmingly hurt poorer people more than anyone else. In your fantasy and billionaires would just buy a shit load of bitcoin to hedge against economic hardship, but poor people living paycheck to paycheck who suddenly have no income would be fucked.

The funny thing is that every time you BTC maxis tend to think you'd be on the OK side of it, more often than not because you're supported by your parents dumping all of your burger flipping money into crypto. Reality isn't something you strive to understand. 
 "It doesn't require new debt"

Stop it, you're killing me!

You do know ALL money is debt, right? 
 That's not what you were alluding to in your previous comment though, this is you trying to wiggle out of being wrong. You've also failed to address any of the other points.

I'd like to say it was a surprise but it's pretty much the standard for BTC maxis, as soon as they start needing to understand more than first grade economics they just star going "lol, you're so wrong it's funny" with no additional explanation. 
 I'm sorry, "an expression of central bank liability" lol 
 Sticking their heads in the sand like an ostrich, not at all like ya'll Nostriches.  
 Kudos to you for not gaslighting him a lot 😆 
 Personally I wouldn't wear Bitcoin apparel at least with something like the Bitcoin logo.

I would use something more subtle but easy enough to identify to another Bitcoiner.

This to reduce the probability of being seen as a potentially target for a $5 wrench attack or something else.

Disclaimer: This advice doesn't necessarily apply if you live in a privileged country.

 Are you at all concerned that bitcoin is increasingly associated with conspiracy theorists and propaganda? In the early days I was on board with the idea of crypto becoming a big mainstream thing but the more time goes on the more it's becoming the domain of lunatics and regular people are bailing out.

Pretty much every crypto based social media platform devolves into antivax, climate change denial and other such crazy nonsense.

It then doesn't help that if you try to have any conversation around economics with a crypto bro they pretty much regurgitate the same unfounded claims about the economy and the finance sector and some massive conspiracy against crypto, usually with a strong dose of "they're printing money!" with clear indicators they don't really know what that means or why it happens.

Then it all tends to boil down to them not liking to have to abide with rules of the society they choose to live in, and thinking that any taxes they have to pay are unjust. Though in every case they seem to be glad that society protects them, which is weird. They want societies rules they just don't want to contribute to them or be bound by them 🤣