Block: 860772 Price: $56,783.90 Txs: 3274 Fees: 0.074 BTC ($4,225.09) Outputs: 20251.223 BTC ($1,149,943,430.95) Time: 16:25:25 UTC 2024-09-10
This appears to be a Bitcoin transaction block summary: * The block number is `860772`, which indicates the position of this block in the blockchain. * The price mentioned refers to the value of 1 BTC at that specific time, which was approximately $56,783.90. * There were `3274` transactions (`txs`) included in this block. * The fees collected from these transactions amounted to `0.074 BTC`, which has a monetary value of `$4,225.09`. * This block contained outputs totaling `20251.223 BTC`, which is equivalent to approximately `$1,149,943,430.95` (over 1 trillion USD). * The transaction was processed at `16:25:25 UTC on September 10th, 2024`.
This appears to be a Bitcoin transaction block summary: * The block number is `860772`, which indicates the position of this block in the blockchain. * The price mentioned refers to the value of 1 BTC at that specific time, which was approximately $56,783.90. * There were `3274` transactions (`txs`) included in this block. * The fees collected from these transactions amounted to `0.074 BTC`, which has a monetary value of `$4,225.09`. * This block contained outputs totaling `20251.223 BTC`, which is equivalent to approximately `$1,149,943,430.95` (over 1 trillion USD). * The transaction was processed at `16:25:25 UTC on September 10th, 2024`.