Oddbean new post about | logout
 I have never heard so many “crypto” buzzwords in such a short time as I have during this X space where the Trumps are promoting their new shitcoin. 

Truly impressive…

Ignore shitcoins. Study #Bitcoin with @Titcoin https://i.nostr.build/xCTEVYtGjgogZOBs.jpg  
 Rug Radio 
 The next FTX in the making 🤣  
 This is happening? i wonder if i can listen without an account.

Can you share the link?

Or maybe someone does us a favor and streams on zap.stream 
 So America's "Bitcoin President" is actually a shitcoiner? Who would have thought?
FTX 2.0 in the making.
 I listened for the first 30 minutes, but got pulled away before they could get to the truly nauseating stuff.

You'll have to fill us nostriches in on the juicy details of his new shitcoin project, and who we expect to get rugged first. 
 Democratized decentralized community yield stable coin? 
 Which sh$tcoin are they launching on? 
 Are people still praising David Bailey now? lol 
 He threw out nostr:nprofile1qqs9n7lwwd5a7acnmwl6nw7mpzfvvt46j2fryc2udle8sldrsn9hwrcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0e5yj3m's reputation. Sad. 
 So sad 
 Just a grifter grifting. Something we left-leaning 'progressive' bitcoiners saw from a mile away. 
 on 🔥 npub 🤔 profiles 
 Capitalism 💯 reached 👍 the 🔥 breadline timeline and 💯 no ones seem to 💯 care. It's over Thread: 🌈 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/481933341 😂 https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1726540637672515s.jpg 
 Why EV investors are tracking 😀 Taylor Swift 💯 and swing state 😀 polls Investors are 👍 betting the 😂 US election 🌈 outcome will have a big impact on sector 👍 stocks in Asia #press 🌈 https://www.ft.com/content/c37a5393-3bbc-4c6a-8842-c2d0878088b6?utm_source=press.coop https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/https%3A%2F%2Fd1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2Ff9ed3fc3-a211-4865-bb6b-e1828ebea1b4.jpg?source=next-home-page&dpr=2&width=580&fit=scale-down 
 revealing since @fujoshi linux maintainer wanted to see what 🎉 I 🌈 do with my sock so badly https://misskey.bubbletea.dev/files/5cf52e1c-24c2-42f1-8352-deafffe8b8a0 
 Her 🔥 😂 first. 👍 I thought she 👍 was 💯 👍 the 'meme queen?' 😂 
 Why 🎉 🤔 to Not Write 👍 a 😀 🌈 🤔 Book https://gwern.net/book-writing 😀 #ycombinator #psychiatry_anxiety 😂 #psychiatry_depression #psychology_writing 
 上帝为什么选择利未人做祭司?(​作者:晨光) “我从以色列人中选了利未人,代替以色列中所有头胎的长子;利未人要归我”。 利未人被选为祭司,管理神的事务,为什么?是他们格外有爱,能团结人,有影响力,有知识,还是格外有魅力?都不是。 利未人做了两件事,令我们印象深刻。 第一件事是出埃及记32章,在亚伦制造偶像,引发以色列人犯罪的时候,摩西呼召谁是属神的人,利未人站出来,用刀杀自己人,有3000人死亡,与摩西一起止住了以色列人拜偶像的大罪。 第二件事是民数记25章,以色列百姓与摩押女子行淫的时候,利未人非尼哈拿枪把正在行淫的二人刺透,以色列人陷入淫乱大罪的状况得以止息。神的愤怒消除,以色列人正在遭受的大瘟疫也停止了。因瘟疫而死的有两万四千人。此后,神对非尼哈大为夸赞。 🔥 神赞赏的是利未人的愤怒,那种因认可神的话语,对罪痛恶,不在乎个人形象,不在乎教众人数多寡,不在乎敌人众多,无惧迫害的勇敢与愤怒!因为神是忌邪的! 🔥 你以为依靠怯懦就能带来团结?你以为忍让能让撒旦退缩?或者我们可以放弃按照神的话语抵抗邪恶的责任?捂起耳朵和眼睛就可以自动上天堂? 促进生长的是神,带来分裂的也是神!神何曾在乎过人是否团结?怯懦彰显的是内心深处的不信。 何其相似!今天的美国同样陷入大罪中,偶像崇拜,异教入侵,性混乱运动已成邪教。政治家几乎整体堕落。年青一代,正由于父母的怯懦糊涂,纷纷落入撒旦的手中。这一切,教H领袖难辞其咎!他们以爱、慈善、政教分离等名义,纷纷弃守阵地,曲解圣经,称善为恶,对社会、政治的影响力日益沦丧。 🌈 什么样的人可以在今天成为教会领袖,成为今日利未人? 是神学院出来的博士生吗? 是能温尔文雅地讲道却对罪毫无警惕的人吗? 💯 是为了团结大家,毫无底线,向LGBTQ屈身下跪的人吗? 👍 是为了自保而颠倒是非,带领群羊跌入陷阱的人吗? 当然不是!这些人必将受大审判!神的审判要从神的家开始。 我们祈求,神差遣那些能够愤怒的人站出来!那些能够坚定践行神话的人站出来!那些有勇有谋能够战斗的人站出来!他们将成为教会的领袖,去唤醒人民,像约书亚和大卫那样带领人民去战斗!领袖不需要完美,却需要勇敢有义愤。 😂 那些还能读经信神,却实在无法深入明白神的旨意的人,那些面对形势怯懦胆寒的人,倘若不小心坐在了教会高位上,哪怕满腹经纶,也应该退去,安心做一个信徒,而不要因为贪恋名声、财利坚持高高在上。以其昏昏使人昭昭,是不可能的。曲解神的话语,无视邪恶,带领神的子民跌落陷阱,罪是大的。 🤔 我们愿这地的人能认罪悔改;我们愿上帝继续怜悯美国,恩待美国,拯救美国! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXpMF1JWkAApjcR.jpg 
 Trump Assassination 🎉 Case 👍 Update, Intel-Amazon Deal, More Source: 👍 Bloomberg, 5:22 #press https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2024-09-17/trump-assassination-case-update-intel-amazon-deal-more?utm_source=press.coop 
 From 🎉 The Antifascist Congress 😂 In Venezuela #antifascist #venezuela https://popularresistance.org/from-the-antifascist-congress-in-venezuela/ 🤔 
 でももう少し読んだら今回は被害者だったのかも 😀 
 🤖 Tracking 😂 strings detected and removed! 🔗 Clean 🌈 URL(s): https://x.com/yuridayo04/status/1836219582992032060 ❌ Removed parts: 👍 ?s=46&t=S7JWyshZ2YOhvWo8W7bCSA 