Oddbean new post about | logout
 Let me be an advocatus diaboli for a moment: Why not go the same way as nip-96 ```.well-known/nostr/nip96.json```? It seems easier to me to announce to clients rather than clients having to send requests with specific file information and getting individual per file responses. 
 The approach is different here; a response is returned for each file. The server may have specific requirements for a combination (size-type-external condition). All of this cannot be easily captured in a single JSON file for everything.

Additionally, there is BUD-07, which will provide more utility to BUD-06 by adding a payment_request per file in case the file is paid. 
 The approach is different here; a response is returned for each file. The server may have specific requirements for a combination (size-type-external condition). All of this cannot be easily captured in a single JSON file for everything.

Additionally, there is BUD-07, which will provide more utility to BUD-06 by adding a payment_request per file in case the file is paid. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz