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 who's "they?" 
 Those people over there. 
 the ones you let into the twitter HQ 
 Fed shareholders.  
 Anyone but "us". 
 No sat samkies 
 everyone - we 
 Good one 
 I'll go ask them 
 A bout of paranoia 
 You know 
 FED ☝🏻 
 "Ellos" 🤔 Élites que controlan el Poder a través del Dinero FIAT  
 Maybe aliens 👽 
 My confused teenage niece.  
 Senator Warren & her cronies 😅 
 Don‘t have the answer but like the question 
 I am they, fear me 
 Those with power who make the rules then don’t adhere to them. 
 *He* doesn’t care about “they”. He’s carrying his cute nostr purple work bag and he just wants to build and contribute to nostr and help to make the world a better place. I happen to know someone just like him.🌎☀️🌬️✨💋🦁🫂💖

https://youtu.be/HKybDdGHZHE?si=UMbnBzL2Xm4Fjmg8 https://image.nostr.build/300207d23527efef35064e98889b621bbb466324ed396d72d775da7a82b3f5fd.jpg  
 chaos masquerading as a system. 
 Rhythms of order and disorder. Rhythms of convergence and divergence. Anyone who thinks they can harness it. 
 The ruling class, of course.

 We don't know for sure which individuals are at the core. Those are the ones who managed to enable promotion of communism into mass following, and whoever they took the rigns from and whoever they handed over to. It all seems to revolve around Great Britain, but we don't know if they are Brits themselves, or just chose Britain as their capital in the past 1000 years.
But then everyone who got fooled by them are also they. These we can call by names. And there are approximately 8 billion of them. 
 This is *me* every single time you respond to “they”.☀️🌬️✨💋🦁🫂💖 https://image.nostr.build/55d2522e32d258e157e7b67f9753a016624fcecdc1e6d96c1b349b55eb36b24f.jpg  
 Shouldn’t everyone be welcomed here given the openness and transparency features of this platform and its protocol?! 
 When you reference the clandestine apparatus, do you ask that same question or do you accept “they”? Didn’t @Snowden reveal them? When you pull off the altruistic mask of non-elected global public private partnerships, you’ll find “them”. They seek to rule others. Of course you could take the blue pill and go on believing “they” is “we” with broken, misaligned incentives. How very bourgeoisie. 
 there are many of “them”

but it ~is~ better to get to “us” 
 Da bad guys 😎☕👊 
 They are the others.  The members of the tribe that is different or especially threatening in some way.  Sometimes justified.  Sometimes not.  In this atomized society, for most people, the world is full of they's and very few we's.

As things get worse, it's important to figure out who they are.  After all, one of the ways they are a threat is through all of the ways they are trying to confuse us. 
 "we" is also not good. "I" is not too bad. 
 I'd argue it's more important for everyone to discover we're all "we" and nobody is the imaginary "they". "They" is only used to pit people against each other 
 Lol good one 
 we are freedom. 
 The entity that killed Kenny! 
 All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us 
 Not me :) 
 DJ Khaled knows who “they” are. 
 The man.  
 Is it possible that the question was also asked here? kek 
 the system 
 That ones over there...  
 Good question.  No one knows.  It’s everyone but the one currently speaking. 
 >The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.
~ Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) Professor of History at Georgetown University, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton
in his book Tragedy and Hope, 1966, pg 324 
 Also see Rothbard, [Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy](https://mises.org/library/wall-street-banks-and-american-foreign-policy-0) 
 Your post is attracting a lot of attention.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 They are highly informed, mystical and secretive people. They are behind large financial institutions, banks, international bodies, sects, crime and propaganda networks.

They want the end of our privacy, local cultures and languages, they defend the regulation and seizure of our property and the extermination of people.

They are the corporatist deepstate.

They came from people who historically held the greatest concentration of information in the world, but for a long time they have no longer been part of these people, as they do not serve anything greater, they have no morals or ethical sense, they serve themselves and the totalitarian mysticism that they implement. 
 “They” from that made up story 
 Maybe first u have to understand who are WE. What WE are building, they are trying to destroy. Seems mistical, but not to me. 
 Yo diría nosotros o #nostr 
 Anyone not me.

I don’t trust them to be the experts 
 The fed, CIA, NSA, FBI, board members of largest banks, all central banks and each of their leaders within, FDIC, OCC, SEC, FinCEN, DTCC, DFS, CBOT, FDA, FCC

 “If there is no other, there is no I. If there is no I, there is no one to perceive. This is close to the truth, but we do not know why.”

- Chuang Tzu 
 Same as "us" or "we". 
 That is a question that has been asked all my life. 

Now we have group of people who have claimed that title. 
 depends on who/whom is asking.  
 May be it is "the y" ... the x, the a 
 The “rules for thee, none for me” folks.  
 The Salad 🥗. 
 youre in a better position to know. 
 Certainly you have insights and perspectives that most people will never have access to.

How far down the rabbit hole have you gone, if at all, Jack?

"They" will depend on the context. Surely you understand compartmentalisation, the need-to-know basis on which many institutions operate on. 

Most people, even in certain positions, are not 'they' - they are simply a part of a larger system of which they do not understand the workings of, because it is not in their job description or interest. It is the way many of the larger systems are designed. Not necessarily maliciously.

So again, it depends on the context. We can name names, but the idea that everything is above board and nothing goes on behind closed doors, made by the decisions of a few, is ignorance.

You may have been 'they' as some point, in a certain context. You may not even have been aware that you were part of it.

My question is, where do all the trillions of missing dollars go? 
 The ones we cannot openly criticize. The tribe of «untouchables» whos only mission is the enslavement of mankind 
 When Im using "they" in casual conversation with friends I often mean this web along with its many tentacles and puppetmasters.

 An archetype.

Sometimes useful.

Usually not. 
 Could be anything, could be a pronoun for non-binary individual  
 It seems like “they” are putting you through the mill. You’re doing great Jack and the best you can. 
I came to Nostr for peace and to support you. I sincerely hope that Nostr is a place of hope for all those who have chose to come to this platform. Do what you feel is right and just. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.  
 All of Us 
 Tus putas arpías también son "they" , diles que coman mierda.  
 probably giants 
 The people that engage in exopolitics with self-service intentions.  
 Not “us” 
 If you’re in the United States “they” refers to the unelected bureaucratic state, many of whom are working in the intel agencies. Don’t act like you don’t know them. 
 I don’t know 😀 
 Depends who you ask? Them or us 
 Will you come get me? I was terrified. You ignored me when I said anything positive. 
 The aliens  
 They killed Kenny. 
 "They" is a signal that they don't know what they're talking about 🤷 
 I sometimes use it as a stand-in or catch-all for those people who act dishonestly, unfairly, or immorally at the expense of others, knowingly or not. There are perhaps many ways Gigi’s ‘Us’ answer could be interpreted, but I see one as the inevitability of everyone being a ‘they’ (pejoratively) to someone, mostly by ignorance. For example, I might consider those who knowingly and selfishly perpetuate an unfair monetary system, at the expense of those coerced (legal tender laws) to use it, to be a ‘they’. Similarly, the mother of a young boy ‘forced’ to work in cobalt mines in response to my demand for the phone I’m writing this on, may consider me a ‘they’. Ultimately, though I sometimes (lazily) use it myself, I think if we are to criticize anyone or anything, it is not only more accurate, but far more useful, to be as specific as possible when we do so. This allows us to isolate the issue, and devise a solution, without catching in the net of our condemnation those who aren’t deserving of it, and de-legitimizing our capacity and reliability for identifying the true cause and culprits of problems in the process. Of course, one may go even further and simply come to the conclusion that even being specific with one’s criticisms is a sub-optimal (and again, lazy) approach, and one ought to focus entirely on the solutions (to perceived problems) which are within one’s capacity or control - basically just adhering to Bucky Fullers advice regarding building solutions which make problems (be they people or systems) obsolete. I see the latter as being the most legitimate and effective, and try to use the former less and less. 
 "They" are the ones who, unlike us, when they become aware of the exploitation that people have been living under via socialism/fiat/inflation, choose to participate in it for their own gain - rather than have the courage to speak up openly against it and do all they can to break free from it and peacefully build against it (which is different to fighting against it). 
 Anybody that's not us 
 Bb we’re quantumly entangled 👍 
 Not so long ago, you were a They.
Methinks you've spent the recent past struggling/reckoning with what that means. 
 the clusters of power that correlate towards a shared vision and ideology of global technocratic rule 
 Them nocoiners 
 the evil guys 
 they is me
i already told you this would be confusing

had to change accounts also

hope youre doing ok 
 Those who do not identify as he or she  
 I need help with rape and murder — I am being held hostage against my will 
 If I say a Globalist Jesuit-Jewish Illuminati pedo death cult will I get banned? 🤣 
 Read the bible. It reveals all. 
 People who participate in the time theft of the global population. Our time is all we have, yet billions of years of human effort is stolen.  
 I don't know,....
But it's definitely them again. 🤣 
 You're one of the few that shared the same spaces as them and came out enlightened on the subject of oppression. 
 Zbigniew Brezinski, David Rockefeller, other folks in those circles. A small subset of folks at the trilateral commission, council of foreign relations, bilderberg group meetings and similar groups.
A collection of intellectuals, industrialists, bureaucrats, politicians and bankers.
I'd guess the bankers are closer to the source. Maybe some subset of some families keeping a family tradition going. I'd guess they probably select the intellectuals, industrialists, bureaucrats and politicians that will go with the program though I'd guess some of the selected folks sometimes become part of the inner circle. I don't know. 
Recently came across Alex Newman. He has "them" mapped out pretty good. Patrick Wood has some pretty good maps too.
"They", or front groups that "they" use have actually been publishing alot of what they want to do. Following the money and other connections of documents like agenda21, agenda2030, lockstep, project for a new american century etc
Guys like Alex Jones have been reading that stuff and warning folks about what "they" say want or are going to do 
 They should be of no concern to us. Because they are there and we are here.  
 Here is another definition of "they":