Call me a conspiracy theorist but could they possibly have done this to make people take the toxic statins which don't lower your cholesterol anyhow? ARGH As for me, I've been a heavy water drinker for decades. Then about 6-7 yrs ago I started getting serious muscle cramps and other muscle tension related issues. Finally I found out from my son (the holistic type) that taking salt before bed (and now when I wake up) does away with those cramps. I always wonder what other hideous lies the medical industrial complex has told us, especially now that I've just been taken off (finally!) another toxic drug (tylenol) I've been begging my docs to change for YEARS! All I can say is I hope the liver really does regenerate and any ideas on foods that help liver health would be good. I'm already taking milk thistle and another liver aid concoction that includes artichoke extract which I paid a fortune for, as well as a myriad of other vitamins and supplements!
Drink less water? Ojibwe have ancestral medical knowledge about drinking lots and lot s of pure water. Other tribes make fun of us for drinking so much water. It's got me to this age, so I think I'll just keep up with natural herbs, lots of water and fasting. I don't see how a bunch dehydrated people consuming the chemicals in most commercial salt is going to o anything but make Big Harma richer. The next thing, they'll be telling us to breath less air. Selfish humans breath too much and cause all the world's problems...