I could never figure out the universe, sun and moon charts but quantum energy has a lot of correlations to life -
- superposition is like your unruly young and wild self
- interference is risk-taking gone real good, or real bad
- entanglement is kinda romantic, like that energy and attachment only you and your soulmate vibe to
- tunneling are life challenges that you really don’t need
- measurements are your traditional schooling systems
- duality is like your interdisciplinary skills
- Heisenberg reminds you why uncertainty is inevitable
- Schrödinger teaches that change is constant, and there is hope of reaching potentials when reality is built on probabilities rather than certainties.
- And like life, quantum theories have a hard time interpreting and integrate dark matters
But having said that, the energy in recent weeks has been really strong and despite having a million things to do, it's hard to ignore it. Is anyone feeling this ? I don't know if it's a universe thing and everyone is feeling it or i’m just falling sick lol.