I think I'm a genius, but I lack self-confidence.
Hard relate
Why fren?
Dismissive of what I know. Smart enough to know what I don't. But I'm getting there anyways. https://media.tenor.com/BR_2p1uvHjcAAAAM/sting-crow.gif
I hope that you soon find your voice and the quiet, shy girl we know comes out of her shell.
How fren?
Just look inside and find your Circe. It's in your blood.
Please have some respect. If you think you can insult me or my morals, you are completely wrong. If you're a parent with daughters, I hope your daughter is spared from the karma of having such an abusive father. Your comment is offensive and degrading, as if you'd want to see your daughter on Pornhub. What kind of "openness" or "shell" are you referring to, sir? Control yourself, because I do not allow anyone to disrespect me.
Don't mind Eris. Her kind moult their shells regularly, whenever their heads grow too large, but it makes her grumpy. https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/mVydjehaKJPksuJCp2vhLWqGQ7c=/2154x1392/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/GettyImages-520891138-2e0f9f03f9eb4e77a463fe8628c7032f.jpg
It seems like @Hiraeth is in love with me. If he has any feelings for me, I’m always open to hearing what he has to say and for him to reveal his identity.