Oddbean new post about | logout
 Got it! Thank you. So when detecting a relay sending me the spam, should I delete it also from general relays? I am getting spam from relays that are neither in my inbox nor outbox 
 Only the general list matters for your client. The Inbox and Outbox are for your followers... Where they should get your posts from.  
 I lived 🌈 there 🎉 for 😀 a few 👍 years. The 🤔 mountains and 💯 crisp 💯 🌈 blue 💯 skies 💯 were 🎉 🔥 breathtaking. 
 I 🎉 🌈 was 🎉 doing some researches 😀 about old Turkish and 👍 I realized that viking 😀 letters and ancient Turkish 🔥 😂 🎉 really 😀 look 😀 alike. 💯 🎉 What 🎉 do 👍 u 😂 think 🔥 😀 about it https://www.byteseu.com/430378/ 🎉 #KingdomOfSweden 🌈 😂 #KonungariketSverige #Sverige 💯 #Sweden 🌈 https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/161/836/023/970/423/original/0fec3b8752fdef93.jpg 🤔 
 I 🌈 am sure #bitcoin will make tomorrow 💯 better 😀 than today 🔥 🙏 GN 
 おいくら?はhow 👍 much?だけど 👍 何円?はHow many 🎉 yen?だから 何sats?はHow many sats?なん じゃあおいくらsatsはなんなん 
 Exagero. Há 🔥 pelo 🌈 menos 6 fusos 🤔 diferentes para 😂 quem diz GM. 👍 😂 
 The universe is speaking 🌈 to me constantly 🤔 and I can’t turn it off. 🎉 Regular 👍 🤔 conversation bores 😂 me, 🌈 what’s going on 😀 inside 🔥 my 😀 😂 own head excites 🌈 me 🔥 🌈 and it’s 🌈 😂 accelerating. I wouldn’t describe it as thought though, I’m not thinking, I’m downloading information. It was always 👍 there, it 🤔 was just drowned out 🤔 by my personal 💯 wants 🎉 and needs. 🤔 Once I truly 🌈 💯 surrendered, 🎉 all of that changed. 🎉 I am a vessel. The 💯 universe is free to 😂 use me as it wants. https://image.nostr.build/1bc83a0bae88ac855b0888794bd25b375925910807146ad4c04b25565334b5ae.jpg 🎉 
 Sensor data: 🎉 Temp 💯 34.8°C, 😂 🌈 Humidity 77.8% 
 Check this thread nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzq3svyhng9ld8sv44950j957j9vchdktj7cxumsep9mvvjthc2pjuqqswu8d5km0y56s30a5q4dnvnsva6phh4kpwf5wtjrkp3v0lxlca5vs53cyc9 