@2b562a3e @5756e48c Layer adhesion-wise, you gotta bump silks at least 10 degrees if not more (again, TPU blend forces it).
@20ffb98d @5756e48c I've had no luck with the ones I've used. Tried 260-300 even. It's like the silk finish is a layer on the outside that doubles as a release agent.
@2b562a3e @5756e48c Which ones have you tried? I've only really used the Polymaker silks, and while they did need a temperature bump, I never had issues to that level with layer adhesion.
@20ffb98d @5756e48c Recently YOUSU. Here is a clean layer separation made with no leverage needed (broke on first try with thumbs touching each other). https://media.hachyderm.io/media_attachments/files/111/034/929/040/781/025/original/fdfbef0adb08bbac.jpeg