Oddbean new post about | logout
 turns out bitcoiners are super sensitive and reactive 
 I've been away for a few days. Can anyone explain to me the latest drama? 
 Government hooting and hollering to kick up a chilling effect on privacy and self custody and it's working. 
 So nothing new or unexpected, but some are panicked and worried. 
 Samourai got shut down and indicted, letting the globalist state try out their emerging coordinated financial police apparatus. 
 Then Phoenix evacuated from the US market before the trial even started. Folks joking it's because they're French. Gotta admit that's a bit funny. 😂 
 Can't say either of those things are surprising TBH.  
 Tant de gens malhonnêtes portant l'étendard Bitcoin  en fait alors  que la plupart des gens  les adulait de par leurs discours, renommées infine ils dégoûtent par leur cupidité.. 
 FBI arresting bitcoin entrepreneurs and scaring people. Feminist temper tantrums.
 The White-Knighting that followed was worse than the tantrum + rage-quit. 
 Look at me I'm beta than you 😭😆 
 It's fear above all else. 
 The French have a long history of premature surrender.  (JK) 
 what's the context? 
 A [Few] 
 Bitcoin is for everyone 
 How dare you suggest that!!! ;p 
 How dare you insinuate.... 👀👀👀😂 
 I was just thinking about this. 

Good to take a step back every once in a while. 
 All a matter of perspective. Could be what led us to Bitcoin in the first place. Or why some of us are worried about BlackRock… etc. 
 We are bored that’s it. Nothing wrong with a little spice 😅 
 S U P E R B 
 Good times create a weak bitcoiners. 
 *Good times create weak bitcoiners. 
 You don’t say 😂 
 we are all different kinds of people 
 A little sweet, a little spice, we’re still discovering the recipe 👨🏻‍🍳⚡️ 
 How dare you! Wait…. 
 “There is a 12 words password”, they say! 
 Always have been. 😅 
 If you can’t control a situation, you don’t put yourself in the situation. 
 So many hurt feelings  

 I love Flight of the Concord. I watched them for my first date with my now wife to make sure she had the right sense of humour.  
 Some of them, yes. 
 More than I would have guessed to be honest. 
 no u 
 You don’t say :-) 
 Shut up😢 
 Sounds like Jack likes to sluck some schmucks 
 Orange pillers* 
 Important distinction 
 Only balance is the right way. 
 are you going to help the samourai crew with legal stuff? 
 I resemble that comment 
 Always has been 
 It is the way of the orange piller 
 Good thing #Bitcoin is anti-fragile because Bitcoiners certainly aren’t 😆 
 sensitive to touching grass  
 If only they did KYC on all their clients, they could feel less anxious about their peers being thrown in jail  
 If only they had bought the tea instead of throwing it in the harbor, you might have the nation of compliant pussy slaves and KYC would just be the default. 
 You mean cointards are ...

 Comon now... let's not generalize and put everyone under the same umbrella... most people have some kind of vulnerability, open wound or easily trigerable trauma response. 🫂🤍🌹 
 we all have a relationship with money. my parents got their home foreclosed. Bitcoin heals those wounds.  
 Its new teritorry. The unknown is scary.  
 Absolutely. Bitcoiners are hunters in the jungle. Once the birds start to fly away or there is a strange smell in the jungle, Bitcoiners can know whether there is danger or prey behind it. 

Cash App also reacts quickly.
 Could replace bitcoiners with humans. 
 And most are very domesticated 
 Didn't you silence the sitting President of the United States because you were super sensitive and reactive? 
 that was after he left 
 He left a position, not ownership, eh?  
 jack the critic 
 What about those who use Bitcoin Cash and/or Monero? 
 GM ☕

Feature, not a bug 

 lol, which Bitcoin WP have you read? 
Satoshi was kinda sensitive and reactive when creating freedom tech, don't you think? 
 Many such cases 
 Not sensitive like a flower, sensitive like a bomb. 
 What is a bitcoiner 
 immunity response... 
 Thats how all humans are Jack. 
 Lol have F U money, start saying F U alot, then later learn to use the F U's more effectively, this is the transition and it wasn't going to be pretty 
 Turns out Satoshi was too don't you think ? Was he wrong ?
 The network is strong because it's decentralized and anti-fragile, not because bitcoiners are all Spartans. 
 NO WE'RE NOT!!!  

i can only imagine what this in reference to  
 What happened? 😱 
 A whole nft fad was built on this 
 yes. The #web3.0  
 Insufficient data. Need more information. Mind reading circuit encountered a runtime error... #beep  
 Thus the reminder to Bitcoin & Chill...  ;) 
 welcome to the fight club 🧡 https://i.nostr.build/Z5G8E.jpg  
 GFY response IRL. 
 Yeah, I just deleted X 🤣 
 Hey Jack 👋 kindly go fuck yourself 
 Takes one to know one. 
 Is it bitcoiners or is it leverage leaving the space? 
 So are CEO's of social media companies.  
 Is it good or bad? 
 Perhaps a reminder to those who are so worried about what comes next.  This is just a hurdle, not the end.  If your initial set-up has been on board & complicit with laws and regulations re exchange/transmission/trading of any currency, you have nothing to worry about.  Just like a corporation that it is being audited, if you have run it legit, have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.  Unfortunately, many are panicking unnecessarily, as they do not have the experience dealing with the government.  That's the problem here.  And as a result are folding "unnecessarily." 
Eat well, show love, be honest, and work hard and never stop pushing for your dreams - be real and precise. Stay away from demons and let the angels protect your mind, body and soul and hopefully the gates of heaven will bring YOU more blessings then you ever imagined!! 🩵  
 That’s human; the nature of (wounded) humans, easily overcome by the reptilian nervous system. 
 being attacked is something to be responsive to 
 Yes. Talk is cheap. Often times people romanticise standing up against tyranny. But when evil stares them right in the eye, many will run. 

On the bright side, there is a growing group of college kids who are not afraid of the system. They are spreading like wildfire. Their spirit is strong and wild. When these college kids find love in Bitcoin, there is no turning back. We need to be ready. 

The Beatnik era started off as an anti-establishment protest against the Vietnam war and eventually spread to people standing up against the elite control of the economy to enable the middle class to step up, and for creativity to thrive in innovation, education, movies, music, fashion. Good things happen when people come together. 

On the current reactions fear or flight - in Braveheart, when Mel Gibson screamed holdddd repeatedly, it wasn’t because the people didn’t know the strategy. Everyone knew they needed to wait for the attackers to come as close as possible to use their secret weapons - but as the attackers approached, fight or flight kicks in - so William Wallace reminds the people again and again to hold and resist until the time was right. 

Sometimes we need to remind ourself to resist this feeling of fear. It’s not easy. Knowing cops can arrest you at any point, no fancy lawyer, the jurisdiction system is bollocks, and you spend your whole life being a good person only to end up in prison is a terrible feeling to live with. Not to mention the family you are responsible for feeding will suffer. I understand the fear. But the only way to overcome this is if people stood firm  together and resist.

A few years back, we marched in my country to protest political ill-doings. They jammed us on the roads, tear gassed us with Black Maria’s trailing - we ran like cockroaches. I freaked out, but a bunch of older people kept walking. They were easily in the 70s. They held my hands and said, ‘let’s keep going’. Why? Because they waited so long for freedom.  That courage burns in them. 

Large headcount of support will send a strong signal of what the people want, to the gov’t and to everyone.  

Some who are not from the US asked why they should fight the US battles for them. Why not ? The problem was never about the people anywhere in the world - it was always about the system and the gov’ts. If anything, resisting the most influential govt will create the biggest breakthrough. But this can only happen if everyone sticks together, have a strategy, resist fear and keep going. 

In the US Declaration of Independence, it says “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” . This declaration was not about how the people must function but how the govt needs to function . People must not forget this. Govt must not forget this. 

You rightfully hinted at the fear that’s spreading like domino. In the Art of War, Sun Tzu shares how “moral law” needs to be enforced to ensure the people followed the ruler without questioning the authority. And the method and discipline for that to happen is by executing the team leads so that people will fear and start to obey. This sounds all too familiar. Which means - this is war.

We need strategy. We need courage. Many will need to be reminded to stay even though they know they should. We need to be ready for the young strong and wild spirits when they join in. 

We have to resist tyranny, whomever they are, wherever they are. How we come out of this depends on how strong we stick together.  
 Traders: yes. 

Hodlers: no/maybe 

 Rhymes with crack

Organic to me 
 Lots of people reading the Stoics, very few people being stoic. 
 im biting my lip 
 that’s stoic af 
 Try to keep the Balance Jack!  🤙🏻 
 Wait what happened? 
 Bitcoin doesn't need gatekeepers.  
 See there I thought Bitcoin was this totally decentralized censorship proof stick it to the man system. 
 Sheesh so sensitive and reactive.

Please just chill and comply harder. 
 #FtheFED stop using their money, only way to bring down the deep state